H1N1 Business Issues Raised by Mercer LLC Report Easily Solved by Cloud Computing, Proposes Software Firm Telax Hosted Call Center

A report recently released by Mercer LLC found that businesses surveyed struggled significantly with a number of H1N1-related issues in 2009. Taras Kapanaiko, VP Operations of Toronto-based software firm Telax Hosted Call Center, confirms that in 2010, businesses should look to cloud computing to pr

TORONTO (December 31, 2009) – A survey report released late last week by global HR leader Mercer LLC found that the number of companies expecting employee illness to have an adverse effect on business grew steadily in 2009. Telax Hosted Call Center VP Taras Kapanaiko commented on the report today, confirming that cloud computing provides the answer to the widespread business continuity issues emerging in the wake of H1N1.

The Mercer survey report outlined that many companies are committed to implementing “telecommuting options for employees if there is an H1N1 outbreak,” a solution that cloud computing makes all the more viable confirms Kapanaiko. “In order for the efficiency of a shared office to be transferred to the employee home, certain technologies are required to keep people connected. Cloud computing allows users an incredible amount of functionality with as little as access to a web browser.”

The Telax VP went on describe how, during the SARS crisis, a Telax client implemented a remote working strategy for its employees, and never went back. “Not only does remote working alleviate the business continuity concerns associated with pandemics, it also delivers added efficiency. It’s a highly sought after perk for in-demand professionals. Viable remote working solutions should be a 2010 resolution for every company.”

The Mercer report listed business continuity as one of the top concerns among employers surveyed. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated that more than 9,800 people have died and 213,000 more have been hospitalized as a result of H1N1 flu in 2009.

Source: Telax

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