Credit Unions Harness the Power of Efficient Call Center Software

The number one reason people chose a local credit union over a big bank can be summed up in two words: customer service. Big banks, like Wells Fargo, Chase and Bank of America are outsourcing call centers, increasing their fees and unfortunately promoting a high disregard of overall customer service. Where banks are certainly failing to connect, credit unions still shine: communication unification (that is, personalized call center software) translates into better customer communication.

Efficient call center software is advantageous

Clearly, customers are no longer being driven solely by interest rates. Call center software, like Zeacom communications, enables real-time communication and dramatically increases agent collaboration. Efficient streamlining practices promote a faster turn around time, which ultimately, makes happy customers.

“It’s… important to note the very real and fundamental difference between banks and credit unions, regardless of size: Credit unions’ not-for-profit, cooperative structure,” said CUNA president and CEO Bill Cheney at the time. “Ultimately, that’s what separates all credit unions from the rest, and drives their passion to provide the best service to their members, rather than amass profits.”

Because contact center software, like Zeacom’s, have small-business flexibility, they can help credit unions work with members on a personal level; and then, credit unions have significantly more opportunities to inform people of products and services that are equal to what large banks currently offer.

Having appropriate call center software is a game changer in customer satisfaction. Rick Barham, founder and CEO of Market Rates Insight, echoes this statement saying, “In the current economic climate, deposit rates are no longer a driving factor for depositors, so the question facing the financial community is what promotes customer loyalty?”

Loyalty + Likability

Member satisfaction overwhelming wins customer loyalty and likability. Gimmicky stunts, like agents giving false anglicized names, promotes dissonance and poor customer service. Unified credit union call centers harness a sense of well-being by practically saying, “This institution will protect my money. They care about ME as an individual.”

What do you think about credit union call centers? Are they run more efficiently than larger banking institutions? Do you think it’s possible for banks to achieve personalized, local service?

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