Ytel Dialer Dialer Review
Ytel Dialer Dialer Review
When my company first got started, I was doing everything. I was the marketing department, sales, technical support, accountant, and just about anything else you can think of. It was crazy trying to run everything myself, so the day that I hired a marketing person was huge for me.
Since telemarketing has always been the strongest method for me, I hired my own telemarketer. At first she wasn’t too excited about it, but she got over it after a few weeks. She even got pretty good- better than I ever was!
As time went on and my business grew, I hired a few more marketing folks. We tried a few different types of marketing, but none of them worked as well as being on the phone. Even though everyone hates cold calling, I had my team do it because it got results.
One of my more tech-savvy marketers came up to me one day and told me about a predictive dialer. I hadn’t heard of this before, but he explained the basics behind it. He said that a friend of his was using YTel and that maybe we should try it out.
This was a huge turning point in my business. Using YTel’s dialer system, my sales team instantly became twice as effective. Within a month we had more than doubled our revenues! This was great for my pocketbook, but I had to hire more staff!
I’ve just been amazed at how useful something like this can be. A good predictive dialer like YTel allows you to call multiple people at once, use an integrated voice response to manage them well, and record every call for your safety (and your clients’).
I no longer have to worry about using a tricky phone system to transfer calls. YTel makes it very easy to do this, even if you aren’t a computer-type person.
If you need to drop a call, just click the hang up button. It’s pretty simple, and I like that as soon as you hang up YTel’s system starts calling the next person on the list.
The stability has been top notch. We’ve never had any issues with software crashing or anything.
The best thing about this system has been the customer service that I’ve had. YTel’s staff is very friendly and helpful. When I’m on the phone with them, I feel like they actually care about me. This day and age, we all know that quality is hard to find in a company.
If you want to know more about predictive dialer solutions, check ytel dialer review.
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