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Top 100 Call Centers Eligible for Industry Recognition from BenchmarkPortal

Santa Barbara, CA — December 28, 2011

Nine cash awards ranging from $ 500 to $ 2000 will be given to the highest-ranking entrants in three categories of call centers: small, medium and large.

Winners will be determined by the comparison and ranking of key performance indicator data submitted by entrants. What makes this contest unique is the comparison across all industries and centers of the same size. Typically, centers are benchmarked against other industry peers to offer an in-depth analysis of the current state of the center.

Comparisons inside and outside the industry allow managers to track the continually changing best practices of not only their select industry but also across all industries. As part of the contest BenchmarkPortal offers a complimentary review of the data to validate the information provided and to also show each center the performance gaps and cost associated with such comparisons.

To enter the contest or view more information about the contest, please visit our website here.

?This contest is an excellent opportunity for call centers to win cash for a celebration event for their staff and to gain recognition,? stated Sean Vierling, BenchmarkPortal president.

All participants will receive a 22-page copy of their Key Benchmarking Indicator Benchmarking Survey report and readout with a certified expert.

?These survey reports are invaluable,? said BenchmarkPortal CEO Bruce Belfiore.

?They enable us to identify performance gaps and areas of weakness and strength in the centers. They provide a roadmap for improving effectiveness, efficiency, customer satisfaction and, very often, ROI.?

The Top 100 companies from each group will also be authorized to use BenchmarkPortal?s Top 100 Seal on marketing material.

Call Centers that want to compete need to submit the required data to BenchmarkPortal before Jan. 31, when the contest closes. The winners and Top 100 companies will be announced by March 31st, 2012.

About BenchmarkPortal

BenchmarkPortal is the custodian of the Purdue University Center for Customer-Driven Quality database of contact center metrics, the largest in the world. Founded in 1995 by Dr. Jon Anton, it provides reports, products and services for contact centers in the areas of operational metrics, customer satisfaction measurement and agent satisfaction measurement. Since its inception, Benchmark Portal has been affiliated with Purdue University?s Center for Customer Driven Quality. BenchmarkPortal specializes in all aspects of call center operations ? assessment, certification, training and benchmarking. BenchmarkPortal?s Web site can be found at:


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