Durban Business And Professional Women At The IPCI (8/10)
Part (9/10): Durban Business And Professional Women At The IPCI – by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat In this video members of the Durban Business And Professional Women’s Club visit Sheikh Ahmed Deedat at the IPCI (Islamic Propagation Centre International) to discuss matters regarding Islam and Christianity. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat: In 1986, the King Faisal Foundation awarded the King Faisal International Prize for SERVICE TO ISLAM, to a South African who is more or better known than many dignitaries in their own countries. This was the first time that this prestigious award has been awarded to a South African. The recipient of this award was a man totally dedicated to his faith and its propagation and who was not afraid to challenge any one to a debate to settle once and for all the matter, who has the good news right? He was none other than Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, reverently known and called UNCLE by those who hold him in high esteem and admiration. The award came after a lifetime of struggle to propagate Islam and to defend Islam against the onslaught of the missionaries. Finally, he was given recognition by the international Muslim community that he deserved and focused more sharply the attention of the Muslim world on the most important aspect of his work, the challenge to propagate Islam. This was his life long ambition to focus the Muslim world’s attention and resources on the propagation of Islam, and at last he succeeded. What a moment of jubilation, achievement and …
RAMPANT CORRUPTION AT THE MANHATTAN DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICE The attached audio clip was recorded on December 30, 2008 outside the gate of the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, 7th floor, 100 Center St. I was at the DA to check the status of a criminal complaint against a Judge (Herman Cahn) who had committed various felonies and misdemeanors, including tampering with evidence. The morning before the recorded incident occurred, I had gone to 1 Hogan Place, which is the entrance to the DA’s office. I was told by the guard there that I was on a “list” of people banned from the DA’s office, and that I could not enter. No reason was given. Although 1 Hogan place shares a building with 100 Center street, they are entirely distinct and have separate access. 100 Center street houses numerous Government agencies, and several courtrooms. Having been denied access to the DA’s office, I went to the clerk at 100 Center street, and asked how I could obtain information on the status of the complaint. The clerk told me to go to room 732, where the records of complaints are kept. Room 732 is in the DA’s office, but is accessed through a guarded gate on the seventh floor of 100 Center street. The clerk told me that I had “Every right” to go to the DA’s office to check my complaint. The following recorded conversation took place at the gate. The NYPD officer at the gate told lie after lie, trying to dissuade me from checking the status of the case. When I failed to be dissuaded by …
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