Daycare Tips : Checklist for Starting a Daycare
When starting a daycare, make checklists for equipment, office supplies, start-up costs and every other aspect of the childcare center. Start a daycare, making sure to schedule an orientation with the Department of Family and Protective Services, withadvice from a daycare owner and operator in this free video on childcare. Expert: Veronica Baragas Contact: Bio: Veronica Baragas was born and raised in Austin, Texas and has been working with children and families for 10 years. Filmmaker: Todd Green
Video Rating: 5 / 5 ATP offers government agencies, corporations and institutions the total package— unmatched basic and applied research and experimental opportunities that reflect four generations of accumulated aerospace skill and experience. ATP is built upon a nationwide team of highly trained and skilled staff whose backgrounds and education encompass every aspect of aerospace testing and engineering. Looking to the future, ATP continues to develop and implement a facility investment and divestment plan to fully support the current and long-term missions of NASA, the Department of Defense and American industry.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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