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Predictive Dialers: Reason 22

At we love America. and we love to be part of this great country That’s why we want to share with you our tools, our technology. Our predictive dialer software is more than just a tool, is a whole army of resources for your company to become more profitable. Dennis Bayne formally announces the launch a new Voice Broadcasting System as yet another part his new Push Button Pros internet marketing tools. This Auto Dialer is one new Bad Boy you ARE going to want to take a look at. Phone Broadcasting is here to stay. Get your sneak peek now.
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What Is Automatic Phone Software?
What Is Automatic Phone Software?
What Is Automatic Phone Software?
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Home Page > Computers > What Is Automatic Phone Software?
What Is Automatic Phone Software?
Posted: Oct 05, 2008 |Comments: 0
What Is Automatic Phone Software?
By: Ray Subs
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Ray Subs works for as a public consultant. For more information about go to
(ArticlesBase SC #590296)
Article Source: – What Is Automatic Phone Software?
Automatic phone software was designed for business use. There are several different types software each with its own function. The different types of phone software were created to increase the business bottom line by improving customer relations or by freeing up time for the company’s agents to do more productive work.
The AgentDialer is a high-tech predictive dialer. This predictive dialer requires no other hardware for it to function. All calls are made through Skype or VoIP, which has more than a million users. Because this software is able to function alone, it is user friendly, adaptable, and inexpensive. It will allow your agents with a broadband Internet connection to work in remote locations. It will automatically dial each phone number on a list, leave messages on voice mail and answering machines and automatically transfer the call to a live agent should a live person answer the phone. This frees up the agents time by dealing with all the no answer calls, the answering machine and voice mail calls, as well as the disconnect phone numbers.
The IVR is another of the automatic phone software. IVR is short for Interactive Voice Response. It is easy to install, inexpensive, and gives you a point and click flow design. The IVR will handle all the inbound and the outbound calls for your company. By gathering information from the caller will transfer the caller to the right person to handle the callers question or problem. It enables your customer service to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It will even transfer calls to your cell phone. The automated outbound portion of IVR will make phones calls to generate sales leads and to keep in touch with your customers. The IVR can also convert text into speech. This helps if a customer is calling for information, such as an account balance.
The Telephony CRM is customer relationship management software. It is designed specifically to manage all telephone conversations with customers. The Telephony CRM allows you to create a clear picture of customers to be more productive and more profitable. The Telephony CRM is user friendly, automatic and inexpensive for a business to own and operate. The Telephony CRM allows agents to access customer information quickly on any inbound or outbound calls. All calls made with caller ID are automatically saved with the Telephony CRM. If the customer calls back, the Telephony CRM will automatically bring up the customer’s information on the agent’s computer.
These are only some of the automatic phone softwares available for business use. These softwares can minimize the amount of time your agents spend on the phone with each caller, and it enables them to help the customer better, which will improve customer relations. Your agents will spend more time doing what they were hired to do, and will be able to do their job with greater efficiency. The ultimate end will be the bottom line of your company will be increased. You might want to check out these and the other softwares available for business use.
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Ray Subs –
About the Author:
Ray Subs works for as a public consultant. For more information about go to
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automatic phone software, business, agent, ivr, predictive dialer, telephone crm
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Contact Center Solutions: Advanced With Automated System
Contact Center Solutions: Advanced With Automated System
Contact Center Solutions: Advanced With Automated System
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Home Page > Computers > Software > Contact Center Solutions: Advanced With Automated System
Contact Center Solutions: Advanced With Automated System
Posted: Apr 23, 2008 |Comments: 0
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Contact Center Solutions: Advanced With Automated System
By: Hussy Brown
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dialer software – predictive dialer
(ArticlesBase SC #394234)
Article Source: – Contact Center Solutions: Advanced With Automated System
To beat the competitive market, contact center solutions deliver comprehensive online solutions to the call centers. The solution provides intelligent routing as well as call termination services with merging of multiple communication channels. Moreover, with their services, online solutions allow call centers to refine their services.
Unlike the traditional call centers, to enhance the sale challenges and market share, new centers are refined with new marketing strategies like telemarketing, e-mailing, instant messaging as well as online communication. While delivering the services, contact center also facilitate an automated system of online solutions like interactive voice response, advanced speech recognition as well as voice over phone modes for advertising and campaigning.
The main aim of contact center solutions is to offer new business strategy that puts customers at the heart of your business operations. Therefore, users of the contact center must look out for a solution that features generation of lead, one call resolution, good relation between customers and round the clock customer care.
Considering the features of the contact center solutions, business on outsourcing must opt for VoIP solutions as they provide cheaper rate for calling long distance or international calls. This fact cuts down on the total monthly bill by up to the half cost. Moreover, while opting for VoIP solutions, some VoIP providers also offer predictive dialer to enhance their operations. This dialer helps the users not to dial manually to their clients; rather the calls are automatically routed to the clients. As a matter of fact, the users can transmit the voice, video and data easily from the receivers end. Moreover, contact center solutions allow clients or customers to enjoy mobility and flexibility of operation as calls are routed through IP packets. These solutions reduce the initial capital expenditure.
Lastly, the newer version of call centers or contact centers are working perfectly on the VoIP technology.
Article written by Kristen Kiya.
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Hussy Brown –
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dialer software – predictive dialer
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Gaytes Information Systems Private Ltd., a company that provides adaptable state of the art technology that fulfills all customers’ requirement in real time. Over 14 years of experience with comprehensive communication package designed to meet extensive telecom solutions allowing easy scalability with unbeatable price performance.
GAYTES expertise in providing the complete range of telecom products starts from Call Accounting, Operator Console, Voicemail, IVRS, Call Center Solutions.
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IVR -Well begun is battle won!
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
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Home Page > Internet > IVR -Well begun is battle won!
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
Posted: Mar 28, 2009 |Comments: 0
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IVR -Well begun is battle won!
By: saurabh saxena
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Shane is the head of content department of Param Network, a Delhi based IT firm that offers a one stop solution for all your offshore outsourcing related needs.
call canter solution
voip call canter
(ArticlesBase SC #838468)
Article Source: – IVR -Well begun is battle won!
Rising above the time constraint, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a telephony technology that allows round the clock link of the company to its customers and subsequently usher in remarkable benefits.
This technology comes handy in times when ‘instant’ is the mantra and nobody has the time to wait to acquire the requisite information or service. The technology has also emerged as an ideal choice in tough times when companies are looking for more at a lesser price. The IVR works on the principal that all customers do not need personal assistance and can resolve their problem if just guided properly. The technology is also a boon to customers who do not have to wait for their turn for every small thing and waste money by holding the line.
In case of inbound campaigns, as soon as the customer calls, he is directed to IVR where he follows various instructions and seeks the desired information by selecting various menu options. In case of confusion, he can always switch over and get connected to a live agent. This induces a kind of self service in customers.
IVR also comes handy in case of outbound campaigns, where same message needs to be communicated to large segment of people. Adding predictive dialers to IVR, that message can be spread across within no time.
But then one really needs to be cautious while selecting an ideal IVR provider as the thumb rule is that a customer will never give you a second chance. If first experience is not a positive one then chances of second chance reduce by almost 70-80 per cent. Call center can opt for bi-lingual or multi-lingual IVR depending on the lingua franca of the population and similarly depending on scale of operations can opt for auto or predictive dialers.
The company also needs to ensure that IVR message has 100 per cent voice clarity, with simple directions that facilitate working otherwise, the customer might just get confused.
The more advanced IVR allow callers to interact with a company on a much greater scale. For example you could set up an IVR to retrieve specific account information that is relayed to the caller through the implementation of text-to-speech recognition technology.
Ultimately, complete planning by call center is done to give a pleasurable experience to the customers. So an IVR should be such that it not only enhances productivity and profit, but is also time and money saving for both company and customer. So whether it’s a mobile company, credit card company, banking services, scheduling car maintenance, university class registration, checking flight schedule or railway enquiry, IVR dominates the scene.
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saurabh saxena –
About the Author:
Shane is the head of content department of Param Network, a Delhi based IT firm that offers a one stop solution for all your offshore outsourcing related needs.
call canter solution
voip call canter
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voip call centers, voip dialers, call center software, auto dialers, predictive dialer, hosted call center, hosted call center solution
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In the course of my online research, I landed on a coupon site that offered a whole list of Survey Networks promotional codes. This caught my interest even more because I found out that Survey Networks is part of a family of websites owned and operated by a renowned company in the online marketing industry. Given the high and esteemed reputation of the mother company operating Survey Networks, it seems very safe to invest my time and effort on the survey site.
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Setting up the best call center
It is pillars of productivity and profit that give a strong foundation to the call center and empower it to excel! But then , two pillars can only be strong only when right call center equipments and solutions have been chosen by the company.
saurabh saxenal
Mar 31, 2009
lViews: 252
Whether it’s an inbound or an outbound campaign, the thumb rule is that the customer is the king! Onus lies on the companies to keep this king happy.
saurabh saxenal
Mar 31, 2009
Whether it’s an outbound or an inbound campaign, constant monitoring and minute-to-minute information is essential for the call center supervisor to manage in a way which ensures optimum utilisation of resources and profit.
By evaluating the performance of various agents, he can judge and relocate resources as per the need of the hour. For this call recording facility comes handy where all calls are digitally recorded and stored so that one can listen to any call at any time.
saurabh saxenal
Mar 30, 2009
Bidding adieu to heavy infrastructure, maintenance and other costs, today a virtual call center can go operational and run campaign just in 30 minutes!
VoIP call center and VoIP contact center are catering to the needs of the company in a much better way than ever before. Obelyx is one such call center solution that has been successfully deployed by enterprises to operate both single site and multi-site call centers. The best part of these virtual call centers is that that there is no compuls
saurabh saxenal
Mar 30, 2009
Call centers witness tech renaissance
Credit goes to call center equipments and call center solutions that today call centers are delivering much more in a lesser cost. Considered to be the link between customer and the company, these call centers play a significant role in creating a positive image of the company in customers mind. One malfunction at their end could ruin the complete efforts of the company.
saurabh saxenal
Mar 28, 2009
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
Rising above the time constraint, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a telephony technology that allows round the clock link of the company to its customers and subsequently usher in remarkable benefits.
saurabh saxenal
Internet Marketingl
Mar 28, 2009
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
Rising above the time constraint, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a telephony technology that allows round the clock link of the company to its customers and subsequently usher in remarkable benefits
saurabh saxenal
Mar 28, 2009
Heading: Predictive Dialers Bring Productivity And Profit
Constantly upgrading the technology as per the ever-changing market place is not only the need of the hour, but also the secret to reap maximum profits. Companies who have switched over innovative call center software and products like predictive dialers, auto dialers, interactive voice response (IVRs) among others.
saurabh saxenal
Customer Servicel
Mar 08, 2009
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Shane is the head of content department of Param Network, a Delhi based IT firm that offers a one stop solution for all your offshore outsourcing related needs.
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
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Home Page > Internet > Internet Marketing > IVR -Well begun is battle won!
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
Posted: Mar 28, 2009 |Comments: 0
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
By: saurabh saxena
About the Author
Shane is the head of content department of Param Network, a Delhi based IT firm that offers a one stop solution for all your offshore outsourcing related needs.
call canter solution
voip call canter
(ArticlesBase SC #838579)
Article Source: – IVR -Well begun is battle won!
Rising above the time constraint, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a telephony technology that allows round the clock link of the company to its customers and subsequently usher in remarkable benefits.
This technology comes handy in times when ‘instant’ is the mantra and nobody has the time to wait to acquire the requisite information or service. The technology has also emerged as an ideal choice in tough times when companies are looking for more at a lesser price. The IVR works on the principal that all customers do not need personal assistance and can resolve their problem if just guided properly. The technology is also a boon to customers who do not have to wait for their turn for every small thing and waste money by holding the line.
In case of inbound campaigns, as soon as the customer calls, he is directed to IVR where he follows various instructions and seeks the desired information by selecting various menu options. In case of confusion, he can always switch over and get connected to a live agent. This induces a kind of self service in customers.
IVR also comes handy in case of outbound campaigns, where same message needs to be communicated to large segment of people. Adding predictive dialers to IVR, that message can be spread across within no time.
But then one really needs to be cautious while selecting an ideal IVR provider as the thumb rule is that a customer will never give you a second chance. If first experience is not a positive one then chances of second chance reduce by almost 70-80 per cent. Call center can opt for bi-lingual or multi-lingual IVR depending on the lingua franca of the population and similarly depending on scale of operations can opt for auto or predictive dialers.
The company also needs to ensure that IVR message has 100 per cent voice clarity, with simple directions that facilitate working otherwise, the customer might just get confused.
The more advanced IVR allow callers to interact with a company on a much greater scale. For example you could set up an IVR to retrieve specific account information that is relayed to the caller through the implementation of text-to-speech recognition technology.
Ultimately, complete planning by call center is done to give a pleasurable experience to the customers. So an IVR should be such that it not only enhances productivity and profit, but is also time and money saving for both company and customer. So whether it’s a mobile company, credit card company, banking services, scheduling car maintenance, university class registration, checking flight schedule or railway enquiry, IVR dominates the scene.
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(ArticlesBase SC #838579)
saurabh saxena –
About the Author:
Shane is the head of content department of Param Network, a Delhi based IT firm that offers a one stop solution for all your offshore outsourcing related needs.
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Article Tags:
voip call centers, voip dialers, call center software, auto dialers, predictive dialer, hosted call center, hosted call center solution
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Profit And Productivity Multiplier –Predictive Dialers
Predictive dialer is a call center solution that has enhanced productivity of agents manifold by saving on their precious time. It has liberated agents from tedious process of selecting and dialing a number, listening to busy signals, wasting time on wrong numbers or answering machines.
saurabh saxenal
Customer Servicel
Mar 08, 2009
Predictive Dialers Vs. Hosted Dialers
Definition: The predictive dialer uses a variety of algorithms to predict both the availability of agents and called party answers, adjusting the calling process to the number of agents it predicts will be available when the calls it places are expected to be answered.
Raymond Bartreaul
Business Opportunitiesl
Aug 08, 2008
lViews: 642
lComments: 2
Heading: Predictive Dialers Bring Productivity And Profit
Constantly upgrading the technology as per the ever-changing market place is not only the need of the hour, but also the secret to reap maximum profits. Companies who have switched over innovative call center software and products like predictive dialers, auto dialers, interactive voice response (IVRs) among others.
saurabh saxenal
Customer Servicel
Mar 08, 2009
Efficiency is the Key to Survival in Call Center
Also hosted call center solution allows the voip call centers to save on capex cost and ensure they can hire skilled agents anywhere in the world. Obelyx solution helps your voip call center gain all these objectives at low cost.
saurabh saxenal
Feb 12, 2009
Tough Times Call For Tough Solutions…
In short, Obelyx call center technology platform helps call centers to serve their customers better without being an economical burden. So those call centers that aspire to sail through tough times need to immediately need to switch over to VoIP based call center solutions that assist call centers to reduce call costs and lower churn, besides sweeping decline in agent and administration costs.
saurabh saxenal
Feb 23, 2009
Hosted VoIP Systems-services and Features of Business Communications
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Setting up the best call center
It is pillars of productivity and profit that give a strong foundation to the call center and empower it to excel! But then , two pillars can only be strong only when right call center equipments and solutions have been chosen by the company.
saurabh saxenal
Mar 31, 2009
lViews: 252
Whether it’s an inbound or an outbound campaign, the thumb rule is that the customer is the king! Onus lies on the companies to keep this king happy.
saurabh saxenal
Mar 31, 2009
Whether it’s an outbound or an inbound campaign, constant monitoring and minute-to-minute information is essential for the call center supervisor to manage in a way which ensures optimum utilisation of resources and profit.
By evaluating the performance of various agents, he can judge and relocate resources as per the need of the hour. For this call recording facility comes handy where all calls are digitally recorded and stored so that one can listen to any call at any time.
saurabh saxenal
Mar 30, 2009
Bidding adieu to heavy infrastructure, maintenance and other costs, today a virtual call center can go operational and run campaign just in 30 minutes!
VoIP call center and VoIP contact center are catering to the needs of the company in a much better way than ever before. Obelyx is one such call center solution that has been successfully deployed by enterprises to operate both single site and multi-site call centers. The best part of these virtual call centers is that that there is no compuls
saurabh saxenal
Mar 30, 2009
Call centers witness tech renaissance
Credit goes to call center equipments and call center solutions that today call centers are delivering much more in a lesser cost. Considered to be the link between customer and the company, these call centers play a significant role in creating a positive image of the company in customers mind. One malfunction at their end could ruin the complete efforts of the company.
saurabh saxenal
Mar 28, 2009
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
Rising above the time constraint, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a telephony technology that allows round the clock link of the company to its customers and subsequently usher in remarkable benefits.
saurabh saxenal
Internet Marketingl
Mar 28, 2009
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
Rising above the time constraint, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a telephony technology that allows round the clock link of the company to its customers and subsequently usher in remarkable benefits
saurabh saxenal
Mar 28, 2009
Heading: Predictive Dialers Bring Productivity And Profit
Constantly upgrading the technology as per the ever-changing market place is not only the need of the hour, but also the secret to reap maximum profits. Companies who have switched over innovative call center software and products like predictive dialers, auto dialers, interactive voice response (IVRs) among others.
saurabh saxenal
Customer Servicel
Mar 08, 2009
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Shane is the head of content department of Param Network, a Delhi based IT firm that offers a one stop solution for all your offshore outsourcing related needs.
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No commentsPredictive Dialers: Reason 23
At we simply love family, we believe that anyone deserves the right to work from home and spend more time with their family. Reason 23 We love Family That’s why our software, our predictive dialer, gives you the opportunity to spend more time with your family. No hype. Just quality time. We like simple things so why not try to work from home. Life is short. Live better. – David Elkington, CEO of highlights the differences between a Predictive and Power Dialer for B2B lead generation applications.
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Tough Times Call For Tough Solutions?
Tough Times Call For Tough Solutions?
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Home Page > Technology > VoIP > Tough Times Call For Tough Solutions…
Tough Times Call For Tough Solutions…
Posted: Feb 23, 2009 |Comments: 0
Tough Times Call For Tough Solutions…
By: saurabh saxena
About the Author
Shane is the head of content department of Param Network, a Delhi based IT firm that offers a one stop solution for all your offshore outsourcing related needs.
call canter solution
voip call canter
(ArticlesBase SC #785478)
Article Source: – Tough Times Call For Tough Solutions…
As recession looms large, cost cutting is the need of the hour in every segment of economy and call centers are no exception. Tough times call for tough solution. So for all those call centers who are exploring market for cost effective solutions , hosted VoIP contact center solution can go a long way in serving the purpose without any compromise on quality and quantity.
Ideal solution in this direction comes from oBelyx, their hosted VoIP contact center solutions provide web based call center functionality within couple of hours. The best part is that this call for no huge investment in infrastructure as oBelyx does not use any server at contact center premises which conserves energy. Even in the data center where the ôBelyx platform is hosted, light-weight, low-end, low-energy consuming servers are used. The call centers can even do away with the IT staff.
These Hosted VoIP contact center solution have a long list of advantages such as: extremely efficient predictive dialer and ACD solution, call reporting and recording tools, no installation and upfront costs, and much higher productivity.
As these VoIP call center management and analysis can be browsed from any part of the world, it is also a reason for staff to rejoice as they have the freedom to work in comfortable environment. All one needs is headphones, Window PC and broadband connection and then an agent can work from any part of the world. The best part is that a supervisor can still monitor the operations and measure the performance of the call center at both campaign and agent level. Depending on the reports, a supervisor can even re allocate resources and agents from time to time.
More business is also confirmed by hosted VoIP contact center solutions as the agent spends more time in talking and closing a business deal rather than dialing or dealing with answering machines.
Enabling the business to scale new heights, it is an economical blessing for call center industry, where the scale of operations can be adjusted as per the market demand. This flexibility of operations checks unnecessary wastage of precious resources and prevents loss.
In short, Obelyx call center technology platform helps call centers to serve their customers better without being an economical burden. So those call centers that aspire to sail through tough times need to immediately need to switch over to VoIP based call center solutions that assist call centers to reduce call costs and lower churn, besides sweeping decline in agent and administration costs.
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saurabh saxena –
About the Author:
Shane is the head of content department of Param Network, a Delhi based IT firm that offers a one stop solution for all your offshore outsourcing related needs.
call canter solution
voip call canter
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Article Tags:
voip call center, voip dialer, call center software, auto dialer, predictive dialer, hosted call center, telemarketing phone, dialer, call center equipment, acd, ivr, hosted predictive dialer, call center solution, inbound call center
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In this relationship video Matt Titus and Tamsen Fadal give you advice on who should call who. (01:13)
Whether it’s an inbound or an outbound campaign, the thumb rule is that the customer is the king! Onus lies on the companies to keep this king happy.
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Setting up the best call center
It is pillars of productivity and profit that give a strong foundation to the call center and empower it to excel! But then , two pillars can only be strong only when right call center equipments and solutions have been chosen by the company.
saurabh saxenal
Mar 31, 2009
lViews: 251
Whether it’s an inbound or an outbound campaign, the thumb rule is that the customer is the king! Onus lies on the companies to keep this king happy.
saurabh saxenal
Mar 31, 2009
Whether it’s an outbound or an inbound campaign, constant monitoring and minute-to-minute information is essential for the call center supervisor to manage in a way which ensures optimum utilisation of resources and profit.
By evaluating the performance of various agents, he can judge and relocate resources as per the need of the hour. For this call recording facility comes handy where all calls are digitally recorded and stored so that one can listen to any call at any time.
saurabh saxenal
Mar 30, 2009
Bidding adieu to heavy infrastructure, maintenance and other costs, today a virtual call center can go operational and run campaign just in 30 minutes!
VoIP call center and VoIP contact center are catering to the needs of the company in a much better way than ever before. Obelyx is one such call center solution that has been successfully deployed by enterprises to operate both single site and multi-site call centers. The best part of these virtual call centers is that that there is no compuls
saurabh saxenal
Mar 30, 2009
Call centers witness tech renaissance
Credit goes to call center equipments and call center solutions that today call centers are delivering much more in a lesser cost. Considered to be the link between customer and the company, these call centers play a significant role in creating a positive image of the company in customers mind. One malfunction at their end could ruin the complete efforts of the company.
saurabh saxenal
Mar 28, 2009
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
Rising above the time constraint, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a telephony technology that allows round the clock link of the company to its customers and subsequently usher in remarkable benefits.
saurabh saxenal
Internet Marketingl
Mar 28, 2009
IVR -Well begun is battle won!
Rising above the time constraint, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a telephony technology that allows round the clock link of the company to its customers and subsequently usher in remarkable benefits
saurabh saxenal
Mar 28, 2009
Heading: Predictive Dialers Bring Productivity And Profit
Constantly upgrading the technology as per the ever-changing market place is not only the need of the hour, but also the secret to reap maximum profits. Companies who have switched over innovative call center software and products like predictive dialers, auto dialers, interactive voice response (IVRs) among others.
saurabh saxenal
Customer Servicel
Mar 08, 2009
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Shane is the head of content department of Param Network, a Delhi based IT firm that offers a one stop solution for all your offshore outsourcing related needs.
Efficiency is the Key to Survival in Call Center
Efficiency is the Key to Survival in Call Center
Efficiency is the Key to Survival in Call Center
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Home Page > Technology > VoIP > Efficiency is the Key to Survival in Call Center
Efficiency is the Key to Survival in Call Center
Posted: Feb 12, 2009 |Comments: 0
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Efficiency is the Key to Survival in Call Center
By: saurabh saxena
About the Author
Shane is the head of content department of Param Network, a Delhi based IT firm that offers a one stop solution for all your offshore outsourcing related needs.
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(ArticlesBase SC #766696)
Article Source: – Efficiency is the Key to Survival in Call Center
With economic downward spiral, most companies are trying to either hold on to their existing customers or tap on verticals they did not cater to earlier. All this customer interaction is provided with the help of call centers. Call centers have been critical arm of the business that helps businesses provide satisfaction to their customer base. Whether business is into manufacturing or servicing, call centers have become a medium to reach out to their customers.
Call centers with high data center, big servers and a whole team of IT professionals are no more required. Currently most of the call centers are adopting for call center software companies that provide hosted solution. No call center equipment are required to set their operations.
Hosted contact center solution has full set of functionality as traditional with additional set of advantages. One of the biggest saving are realized with their VoIP backbone. These VoIP call centers have dialers that either dial or take calls of customers and routes it to different agents that could be remotely located in any part of the world.
Along with total telecoms these hosted call centers also provide dialers like auto dialers and predictive dialers to help call centers improve their agents efficiency. Once efficiency is realized the call center can get more projects and in hosted call center solution they can increase their operations to match the demand.
Also hosted call center solution allows the voip call centers to save on capex cost and ensure they can hire skilled agents anywhere in the world. Obelyx solution helps your voip call center gain all these objectives at low cost.
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saurabh saxena –
About the Author:
Shane is the head of content department of Param Network, a Delhi based IT firm that offers a one stop solution for all your offshore outsourcing related needs.
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hosted voip call center, auto dialers, predictive dialers, virtual call center software, dialers, software dialers, phone dialers, call center software, telemarketing phone, auto dialer, call center solution, voip dialer, voip call center, contact center
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lViews: 251
Whether it’s an inbound or an outbound campaign, the thumb rule is that the customer is the king! Onus lies on the companies to keep this king happy.
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Heading: Predictive Dialers Bring Productivity And Profit
Constantly upgrading the technology as per the ever-changing market place is not only the need of the hour, but also the secret to reap maximum profits. Companies who have switched over innovative call center software and products like predictive dialers, auto dialers, interactive voice response (IVRs) among others.
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Customer Servicel
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Shane is the head of content department of Param Network, a Delhi based IT firm that offers a one stop solution for all your offshore outsourcing related needs.
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at we are always changing. In fact we are improving every single day. We want simply the best for your company, that’s why we have developed the best predictive dialer software. Why the best dialer? Easy.. because our dialers simply give you more options, at a better rate,
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