Archive for the 'Outbound Call Center' Category
Welcome Call Center Services- Streamline Sales Speed
Welcome Call Center Services- Streamline Sales Speed
Hire call center services to accelerate sales and marketing motion. Not gone well, right? Very natural, it should not have gone down well without explaining ‘how’ that is possible.
Unlike traditional marketing mode, marketing or sales optimization of products or services of a company in these days has got a radical transformation. Companies do not need to deploy enormous number of marketing people for optimizing their products or services. They do not need to cough up hefty recurring expenses either. They can minimize both of them instead. How? Call center services would certainly be a sure way out in this regard.
Hiring a call center service provider will dramatically bring forth the sales rate of a company product. Outbound call center service does certainly appear to be the sales lead generation option. The call center representatives make calls to the defined people of a specified region or all across the globe for the sales optimization. Once they become able to convince those people about the better advantages of their products or services, either the company takes the responsibility of closing the deal or they can even get their hired call center do the same on the part of the company. Both the ways are available.
Still, you may be seen raising your eyebrows saying to yourself that this is practically no difference. But, those who know the effectiveness of a call center service, here outbound call center services in particular, will be able to see the striking differences. First, sales optimization task is much speedier through call center than conventional optimization way, because a company representative (read call center representative) can reach out to a customer more quickly. They do not need to physically go to the customers. They can contact them over phone instead. Of course, they are to make call as per their convenient time to talk. They can reach out to masses of customers within much shorter time frame, thereby creating larger hopes of sales optimization. This inbound call center service procedure can also close the deal on an instant mode once given an opportunity of doing so on behalf of its outsourcing company. As the prospect of sales optimization is undoubtedly much higher, the outsourcing companies can also avail of the facility of minimizing their sales cost to a greater extent. Generally, the sales optimization services of the third party sales team or call center service providers are much cheaper and cost effective. With little size of hired third party sales team deployment, companies can reduce their production cost, thereby fattening their revenues much higher and of course, within much lesser time frame.
On the other hand, companies cannot refrain themselves from delivering obliged services or post sale services to the customers whom they have sold their products or services. Providing them with such service is also much expensive. But companies cannot avoid this responsibility. They are bound to exert their customer care services. But, how do they do that?
There are various options like deploying a dedicated representative at their office premises or hiring an service provider. Customers make calls to a dedicated phone number of a company once they feel any inconveniences in using the products or services they have bought from it. The answering service of the company go forward to the help for those customers who feel happy at such service and become a loyal customer of the company, thereby enlarging the numbers of the customers. The better the post sale service of a company is, the higher the prospects of getting better business next time onwards. So, if such benefits an inbound call center service can deliver, why would the companies keep them away from having its fruits?
Andrew Simpson has been in the profession of BPO service for last seven years. His expertise and knowledge are really worthy following and valuable.
Call Center Advantages ? More than Just Cost Saving
Call Center Advantages ? More than Just Cost Saving
Reduced operational costs have now become incidental benefits these days which get accumulated to the customers with the help of the pre planned, process centric and standardized approach adopted by the call centers these days. Call center outsourcing services are available these days at the customized price structure suiting the requirement of both the outsourcing agencies as well as the organizations availing their services and these structures ultimately work out to the advantage for the customers. From handling the loyalty programs to rejuvenate telesales, the call centers are competent enough to meet the offshore outsourcing needs of their client companies. Call centers typically offer the outsourcing solutions which cover inbound & outbound telemarketing services, technical helpdesk services, email support services, chat support services and so on.
The offshore inbound call center services utilize CRM (customer relationship management) services, toll free service, responses to email queries, IVR, scheduling appointments and so on to provide quality customer services. The outbound process includes the activities like customer acquisition; collections and assisting their client company in sales support activities such as lead generation, card verification and so on. People choosing the call centers realize the process and quality benefits apart from the regular cost efficiency. They now focus on recruiting the best talent available in the BPO industry which helps the organizations in improving processes. These call centers have a distinct presence in the global outsourcing industry as they provide their clients the benefits of Quality work, high standards of data security, proactive approach in providing customer support and service, trained and expert calling agents and of course, the competitive rates. They also provide the benefits like personalized & quick response to customer queries and concerns and customized services suiting the business needs apart from being available round the clock.
Quality wise, these call centers obtain the proper certifications from the concerned authorities and clear many audits to ensure their readiness for compliance reviews and the audits are conducted by the credible and neutral organizations measuring their operational parameters. The customers can avail web based assistance to all their call center needs. They employ voice recording systems which help them in keeping a track of all call made or answered to solve future issues with the customers or the agents, if any. Call centers these days have become even more responsive to the real time customer requirements by using powerful technologies. The benefits do not end here. The following are some more benefits of availing a call center service.
Complete call center operations transparency
Security of valuable data
Recording and archival of all incoming and outgoing calls
Clear conversational process
Access to the market information in a real time way
Web bases as well as historical customer support
Seamless & flexible integration
Faster response methodologies
Telemarketing services such as , appointment setting, database services and direct mail follow up are some of the services offered by the outbound call centers.
The author of this article Andrew Simpson is a successful call center managerwith a huge of Experience in outsourcing call centers.
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inbound vs. outbound
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No commentsExpanding the Customer Orders: Order Processing Service
Expanding the Customer Orders: Order Processing Service
The handling of customer orders within the distribution center involving the keying of customer and order details into the computer system in order to produce invoices for picking.
Large quantity of call center services where companies can outsource their customer telephone contact operations. These call center service providers offer competent and professional inbound and outbound call center services utilizing modern and state-of-the-art telecommunication technologies to meet the needs of their clients. The wide range of call center services—including voice, email, fax, and live chat support—all have one specific purpose. That is to serve all the communication needs of a company.
Principally Call Centers are providing order processing service it’s including in inbound call center service. There are actually two types of call center agents: inbound and outbound. Outbound-center agents are the people who instigate calls to customers. They do telemarketing and market research work. Inbound-center agents, on the other hand, reply to calls, chat or emails and order taking from customers. They do catalog and other sales work, customer service, and help desk or technical support. Both groups are usually strictly monitored to make sure that they meet employer standards for speed, accuracy and customer handling.
Order Processing Companies now look at third-party sales representatives as a viable option. You need to find an establishment that will be able to handle all of your order-processing needs. Check if they can easily turn estimates into a number of orders instantly. Some firms even have automatic order registries which make an order easier to be fulfilled and processed. Thus, it would turn into a quicker profit for the company.
Customer Self-Service is like when customer would like to see order execution with the connection to payment info. Typically this should be enabled over the web or extranet security realm. Self-service functionality, including web-based self-service, IVRs, and, increasingly, speech recognition, has become indispensable to contact centers of all sizes. Even small contact centers are using voice prompters or call routers to improve the efficiency of call handling.
This service is the most popular connection point for eCommerce developers – the same should be said about service industry. Sales Order Processing provides your office, and remote sales workers with an intuitive web-based application for sales order taking. Sales Order Processing systems can be securely accessed over the Internet to enter sales orders for customers. Call Centers makes order taking faster, simpler and more accurate, and provides an application that can be rolled out to an expanding sales team.
Telephone order-entry and processing, also called call center order-taking is a fast growing aspect of contact center services. The Order Taking Agent for the Retail industry is pre-trained to take in-bound calls to make purchases. The Order Taking Agent can take credit card numbers, perform a match on name and address based on a U.S. database, and complete the purchase. The Shopping Agent and Order Taking Agent can be used together to offer a complete self-service solution for retail.
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About CCI
Call Centers India is known as CCI and has set up good building relationship in BPO industry and helping others to growth in industry, Call Centers India in consultancy since 5 years and in 2005 launched own delivery center by name of Vcare Call Center India (P) Ltd. and delivering many offshore projects successfully.
Offshore Telemarketing : Easy way to business communications
Offshore Telemarketing : Easy way to business communications
Telemarketing is an excellent tool for a business to reach targeted markets quickly and efficiently. An outbound call center is necessary for business to reach many customers easily. Outbound call center agents however need proper training to ensure that your messages are transferred to the consumers clearly.
Telemarketing call centers are able to provide a number of telemarketing services designed to meet a specific client’s needs. Listed blow are the example of some services provided by telemarketing call centers:
* Appointment Setting
* Lead Generation/Qualification
* Phone Sales
* Seminar Registration
* List Cleaning/Database Update
* Market Research & Surveys
* Direct Mail Follow-up
* Up-selling/Cross-selling
* Product Promotion
* Debt Collection Services
Telemarketing provides immediate feedback from customers and allowing immediate response to customer’s needs. In recent time, telemarketer is the backbone of the telemarketing industry. Although automated telemarketing systems can perform some of the telemarketing services a business may need (such as giving out recorded message, information or recording an address for mailing). The person voice provided by an individual telemarketer allows communication with customers and prospects from Call Centers every day.
When telemarketing involves the sale of a service or product, it is considered telesales. A telemarketer must learn how to be persuasive, while remaining friendly. A good telesales/telemarketer is an asset to any company.
Offshore telemarketing services is one of the key services offered by most of the call centers. Telemarketing services can help you in building leads, customer databases and also help you in finding new customers and business .
When global companies outsource telemarketing to Indian, they benefited from significantly lower costs, proven process quality and access to a trained, computer-literate, college-educated workforce with good presentation and communication skills.
Speaks clearly and intelligibly and Listens well.
Speaks in a smooth and fluid manner, without halting or stumbling over the words.
Smiles while talking (a smile can be heard over the phone – it’s true, try it).
Knows the specifics of his or her company’s product or service.
Communicates, connecting with the customer or prospect .
Can handle questions easily.
Outbound telemarketing utilizes call centers are used by a business to increase sales and create a larger customer base. With any type of outbound calling, the telemarketer generates the call to the prospective customer from the telemarketing call center. It is a very successful and effective way for a business to find new customers and easy way to business communications.
Call Centers India (CCI) is a CISCO funded International Call Center with over 20 years of combined call centers experience. It provides 99% up time with World’s best call center technology and offers call centers services; Inbound Call Center Services, Outbound Call Center Services, Product Promotion and Appointment Scheduling, with 100% customer satisfaction. Your feed back comment and suggestions will be highly appreciated at

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No commentsTelemarketing: An Effective Lead Generation Tool
Telemarketing: An Effective Lead Generation Tool
Telemarketing is a direct interactive means of communication to costumers used by most businesses these days. The main reason why telemarketing is being utilized for it is set as an innovative tool for services and product promotion or response in promotion. It has been proven that telemarketing is a very successful marketing tool because of its flexibility to adjust and to adapt any specified marketing strategy.
The use of telephone is a much personal approach wherein a business is able to monopolize costumers with a well delivered conversation according to certain situations. Telemarketing involves actual conversation to costumers in which this marketing scheme has the ability to gather accurate and valid information right at the course of conversation. For this reason marketers consider telemarketing as the most successful lead generation machine.
Lead Generation is a marketing system that gives focus on producing new breed of potential costumer interests into a business’ products or services. A businesses or company may settle in making sales to previous clients thus attaining new contacts means new opportunities to boost sales pitch.
Telemarketing can generate leads through collected incoming calls or inbound telemarketing. When a prospective costumer makes a voluntary call, this is an obvious indication of costumer interest to a certain offer. This is one of the best lead generation tactics that effectively works when assisted with a professional telemarketer. Telemarketing companies provide a telemarketer that can expertly promote a product or service and turn costumer interest to instant buyers or purchasers.
Calling using random lists of costumer contact information for a specific purpose or outbound telemarketing is another diverse approach in lead generation. An outbound telemarketing is the process of conducting unsolicited calls or cold calls to prospective customers. Equipped with targeted calling lists, businesses can have a great deal of advantage to reach out possible leads. This applies more responsibility than inbound telemarketing since person receiving this call can possibly tip-off rejection to the caller. Thus, the main goal of outbound calling is to develop unresponsive costumers to a strong costumer interest and make future buyers.
Appointment setting is another efficient lead generation scheme that applies to telemarketing. This is a significant method of setting up business appointments that also involves phone conversation between a company representative and the prospective client. It is an ideal service typically when marketing to the most important costumers. Basically, the process is to first identify the prospect after that set an appointment wherein marketing professionals can meet in a face to face business meeting. Moreover, it is very crucial to turn every potential opportunity into a real business deal.
Telemarketing leads generation campaign emphasizes the buildup of costumer-company relation with its systematized marketing approached. It is attested that when telemarketing is outsourced it demonstrates greater effectiveness compared when is established solely. Since telemarketing firms are a great pool of people that best demonstrates such delicate marketing operation.
Outsourcing your lead generation campaign using telemarketing as a tool to outbound call centers is one of the available and most efficient option you may have. Outbound call centers that specialize in lead generation and appointment setting services can assure you with high quality deliverance of their services for they train their staff professionally. Outbound call center companies or BPO companies invest with professionally- trained and highly-skilled staff to deliver quality service and customer satisfaction to their clients. Having your own telemarketing team in-house that will do your lead generation and appointment setting campaigns can be difficult as well as it would cost them a large amount on budget.
Anne Geller recommends you to visit for more information about Telemarketing.
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We appreciate your time viewing We are a true Leader in Hosted call center solutions. Our clients trust in us as their all in one call center solution. With hosted dialer, you get fast setup, no busy numbers, no answering machines, no disconnected numbers. Start talking to customers 60-70% of the time. Hosted Dialer is your affordable solution with optimal results With the innovated predictive dialer solution by hosted dialer dot com, you can run multiple campaigns simultaneously from different locations. You have the ability to manage your inbound and outbound call center easier than ever. With a variety of comprehensive features like: Dial up to 5 lines per agent! You can add custom dispositions! Record all of your calls automatically! Create custom fields instantly Leave pre-recorded messages on answering machines Intuitive 3 way calls calling! Send emails to your leads, from the dialer! View live, real time stats and listen to your agents from anywhere! With a variety of connection methods, USB headset, or a dial in number we standby by our promise of NO hardware or software is required!! With Hosted dialer Simple to manage campaigns and statistic tracking and the ability to scale your call center within hours not weeks hosted dialer stands on a higher level. Ask about our complementary Demo Offer TODAY! For more information call us now at 877-350-0115 or fill out your contact information below to get started TODAY!
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