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The Evolving Faces of Diagnostic Centers and Medical Spas
The Evolving Faces of Diagnostic Centers and Medical Spas
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Home Page > Health > The Evolving Faces of Diagnostic Centers and Medical Spas
The Evolving Faces of Diagnostic Centers and Medical Spas
Posted: Apr 16, 2009 |Comments: 0
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A visit to the doctor is a scary occasion for many people. Hospitals and clinics are almost always painted in white to convey cleanliness and efficiency. Add to that the prospect of being subjected to diagnostic tests using machines and needles. Truly, medical facilities are the most unwelcoming of places.
This is probably the reason why diagnostic centers and clinics are reinventing themselves to make them more appealing to the patients. On the other hand, traditionally non-medical institutions like wellness centers and spas are also trying to gain credibility in an era where consumers are more health savvy and demand more scientific-based health services.
Many diagnostic centers have coined their facilities’ official name to include the term “wellness.” Wellness is a word associated by many with alternative medicine whereas spas conjures pictures of well-being and relaxation. The Diagnostic & Wellness Center for Women of Pacific Medical Center (PacMed), the Diagnostic and Wellness Center at Harbor-UCLA, and the Women’s Diagnostic and Wellness Center of Coral Springs Medical Center in Florida are examples of this trend. Even the renowned Cleveland Clinic has its Florida Health and Wellness Center.
Many clinics are redesigning their facilities to make them less sterile and more relaxing. PacMed’s Diagnostic & Wellness Center for Women in Seattle describes its setting as “spa-like”, with interior decor in warm, soothing colors and furniture and fixtures one wouldn’t normally find in a normal clinic setting. However, despite the spa-like atmosphere, this unique wellness center has all the state-of-the-art medical and diagnostic equipment as well as top notch medical staff necessary to perform diagnostic tests. “Our goal is to change the healthcare experience for the better and encourage people to take a proactive approach to wellness”, according to a PacMed Center spokesperson. The Women’s Diagnostic & Wellness Center at Coral Springs Medical Center in Coral Springs Florida calls its setting “home-like” to do away with the impersonal atmosphere that is associated with many diagnostic centers.
Spas on the other hand, have adopted the term “medical spas” or medispas” to emphasize the medical and health benefits of their services. In the same way, alternative medicine is trying to keep up with technology. Whereas traditional acupuncture uses manual stimulation, acupuncture centers use new technology for stimulation, from electrical impulses and lasers to moxibustion and heat.
While many clinics are generalists, that is, they offer diagnostics, screening and check ups for just about almost all health conditions, many of the modern, “wellness”-oriented clinics are specialized in certain types of disorders. Following are some examples of these so-called boutique diagnostic facilities and their services.
PacMed’s Diagnostic & Wellness Center offers diagnostic services specifically for women’s health. These tests, which are usually part of annual medical check ups, can include any of the following:
(1) Digital mammography which is especially helpful in screening patients with dense breast tissue.
(2) Diagnostic ultrasound which is useful as an adjunct for further evaluation of an abnormal mammogram.
(3) Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), again to check for breast cancer, especially in women who are at high risk.
(4) Biopsies to confirm suspicious-looking structures detected by the above imaging systems.
(5) DEXA bone scanning checks for bone health. As women age, they are at higher risk for developing osteopenia and osteoporosis.
(6) Therapeutic massages either as part of postsurgical rehabilitation programs or simply a relaxing massage to recover from the stress of the tests.
The Women’s Diagnostic & Wellness Center at Coral Springs Medical Center in Coral Springs, Florida offers similar services from breast cancer detection to bone densitometry tests. In addition, it offers education and fitness programs which include lectures, fitness classes, support groups, nutrition, massage therapy, maternal classes, cholesterol & diabetes screenings, weight management and healing arts classes.
The Diagnostic and Wellness Center at Harbor-UCLA specializes in cardiovascular health screening. The center uses state-of-art computer tomography (CT) scanning and imaging technology to perform the following “wellness scans” including heart scan, lung scan, body scan, abdominal aorta scan, virtual colonoscopy, QCT bone density and carotid artery scans.
The Winmar Diagnostics Sleep Wellness Center in Fargo, North Dakota specializes in sleep diagnostics. It basically provides services to hospitals, clinics, and private practices to test for and diagnose sleep disturbances. Its facilities include a free-standing sleep center, a complete sleep laboratory, and state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained staff in the field of sleep medicine.
Wellness scans are the specialty of many centers, including the Medical City Dallas Hospital in North Texas. But what is a wellness scan? A Wellness Scan is a non-invasive CT test from the collarbone to the pelvis and covers the heart, lungs and abdomen. The specific areas scanned in the abdomen are the kidneys, liver, gall bladder, aorta, adrenal glands, lymph nodes, spleen and other certain pelvic organs.
Now, a medical procedure that scares many people is a dental check up. As the name suggests, dental spas cater specifically to the dental needs of patients. The Austin Dental Spa offers general as well as cosmetic dentistry. The center utilizes “only the highest quality materials and the latest technology available in a world-class spa setting.” By using a “combination of spa amenities and personalized care,” the Austin Dental Spa makes a visit to the dentist a stress-free, fear-free experience.
Day spas are centers which provide cosmetic treatment to women and men, ranging from hair removal to botox injections. They are cosmetic centers and usually do not have anything to do with medical check ups and screenings although their services may be medical-based procedures. There are also spas whose services are more inclined towards complementary medicine such as yoga, Pilates, and aromatherapeutic massages.
The newly opened Women’s Health Center of the Bond Clinic in Winter Haven, Florida has combined the features of a diagnostic center and a day spa to form a real “medical spa”, a wellness center which caters to the medical and cosmetic needs of the patients. The center considers itself as a “one-stop shop for women’s health includes obstetrics and gynecology, women’s diagnostic services and a medical spa.” The spa includes a licensed massage therapist and facial specialist who offers a wide range of services from a relaxing hot stone massage to variety of facial treatments. The board-certified physicians perform cosmetic laser treatments for facial rejuvenation, hair removal, spider veins and broken capillaries, acne, Rosacea and age spot removal. Botox and other cosmetic injections for the treatment of facial lines and wrinkles are also available.
According Gwen Mayes at Medscape Today , “Until a few years ago, day spas limited their “medical” procedures to an occasional light chemical peel, Botox injection by a visiting dermatologist, or a postsurgical medical massage by a licensed physical therapist. Today, instead of contracting with physicians in the community to stop by 1 or 2 days a week to offer updated laser treatments and advanced aesthetic procedures, physicians are expanding their outpatient facilities or partnering with existing day spas to create a medical spa. Both sides have found a more formal merger to be a lucrative and well-received union. According to ISPA, the industry generated 4 million in revenues in 2003.”
The Women’s Health Center at the Bond Clinic has achieved the ultimate hybridization of a cosmetic and a diagnostic center whose goal is “to give women a place they can go for both their medical and cosmetic needs in a relaxing, comforting and state-of-the-art atmosphere.”
The borderline between alternative and scientific-based medicine has gradually blurred in recent years as a more holistic approach to medicine has become popular. Thus, massages and acupuncture have become part of postsurgical therapy of breast cancer patients while those who practice yoga and Reike may also go for botox and liposuction. Spas also have become mainstream and not just pastimes of the rich and famous. The average person can now have access to a spa anytime, without being subjected to membership or member recommendation rules.
The term “medical spa”, however, is a subject of controversy because many facilities call themselves medical spas or medical day spas although the services they offer actually resemble those of a normal day spa. In many of these centers, a medical doctor may be in attendance or may act as a consultant. However, no diagnostic and screening procedures are being offered. We can expect more facilities to follow the Bond Clinic’s model resulting in the need to protect the interests of patient-consumers who can be confused by the names of the facilities as well as the wide range of services they have to offer. To this end, the Medical Spa Society was formed, a national non-profit organization that aims to look at the guidelines and standards of care of medical spas.
Indeed, diagnostic centers and medical spas have evolved and are continuously evolving. One word of caution, check with your health insurance about their scope of coverage!
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The article The Evolving Faces of Diagnostic Centers and Medical Spas may be found in its entirety with references and links on .
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I finished my 10th in india. i have a two years experiance in dental clinic . now i am eligibel to write the DANB exam
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medical spas, diagnostic clinics, health spas, wellness scans, wellness centers, day spas, dental spas, acupuncture
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Know the Basics of Call Center Services
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Home Page > Business > Customer Service > Know the Basics of Call Center Services
Know the Basics of Call Center Services
Posted: Jul 20, 2009 |Comments: 0
Since they appeared on the scene about fifteen years ago, call centers have become a staple in the business world. The advances in technology and information technology in particular, have enabled the call center business to expand and succeed. Call centers are offices that receive large volumes of telephone calls from customers of the companies they represent. Call centers are manned by call center agents.
The interesting thing about call centers is that they do not need to be in the country of the companies they provide the service to. In some cases it is generally more cost-effective to establish call centers in other countries. This is one reason why offshore call center services are in such demand. There are in fact different types of call centers, namely:
Inbound call centers: These types only take calls from customers, hence the name. They were once the most common type of call centers. Outbound call centers: These are generally the opposite of inbound call centers in that call center agents makes calls to customers and prospective clients seeking sales or lead generation. Contact centers: With this type contact with clients is not just via telephone, but also by live chat and email. Contact centers may also be responsible for handling all written correspondences for a company that is, letters and faxes. Blended call centers: These types have features of all the others. Blended call centers may well be the future of call centers as many begin to offer all the services being demanded by customers.
Benefits of a Call Center
There are many benefits to using a call center. The main benefit is an increase profitability brought about by improving efficiency. There is more time for staff to perform their core functions instead of answering calls or processing applications. The fees for outsourcing to call centers is minimal compared to paying full time staff.
There are a wide variety of services that call centers offer: These include:
Phone answering service Troubleshooting/technical support services for products Messaging services Voice Mail ordering Outbound Telemarketing services
Some call centers such as InSO International Call Center offer a variety of call center services. These services take in some of those listed above but also include:
Backend transaction processing and office services: Here we go the extra mile while providing professional services in skip tracing, payroll processing, application processing and researching and analyzing data. Outbound collections: At InSo we make calls to clients requesting payment on your behalf or acknowledging that payment has been received. Customer care: InSO customer care is more than just responding to queries. We treat customers right so as to build loyalty – each customer is treated as a valued individual.
InSo also serves a wide cross section of businesses. In fact, we represent companies in the:
Financial services sector Travel and hospitality industry Health and Supplement industry Technology industry Telecom sector Insurance eCommerce and Retail
Unlike some call centers, InSO makes it possible for small and medium-sized companies to be able to afford their services. If you are still not sure what we can do for you and at what cost, ask for a free, no obligation quote. The benefits of leaving your call centers services to InSO includes improved efficiency and ultimately, an increase in profitability.
InSO International Call Center proves that all call centers are not the same. To learn more about our services and how we can help you succeed, visit us online at We make reaching us easy as you can also call us at 626-531-6080. Our email and chat support services shows that we want to make it easy for our clients to reach us. Take your business to the next level – let InSO Call Center take you there.
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Mark –
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An Author of this article Mark Divid is working for Freelance Business Analysis. InSO Provides excellent Call Center Services, Call Center Outsourcing Services, Inbound Call Center Services, Outbound call center, offshore call center service, Telemarketing Services and Transaction Processing Services.
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Customer Servicel
Jul 20, 2009
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An Author of this article Mark Divid is working for Freelance Business Analysis. InSO Provides excellent Call Center Services, Call Center Outsourcing Services, Inbound Call Center Services, Outbound call center, offshore call center service, Telemarketing Services and Transaction Processing Services.
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Home Page > Business > Outsourcing > Know the Basics of Call Center Services
Know the Basics of Call Center Services
Posted: Jul 20, 2009 |Comments: 0
| Views: 157 |
Since they appeared on the scene about fifteen years ago, call centers have become a staple in the business world. The advances in technology and information technology in particular, have enabled the call center business to expand and succeed. Call centers are offices that receive large volumes of telephone calls from customers of the companies they represent. Call centers are manned by call center agents.
The interesting thing about call centers is that they do not need to be in the country of the companies they provide the service to. In some cases it is generally more cost-effective to establish call centers in other countries. This is one reason why offshore call center services are in such demand. There are in fact different types of call centers, namely:
Inbound call centers: These types only take calls from customers, hence the name. They were once the most common type of call centers.
Outbound call centers: These are generally the opposite of inbound call centers in that call center agents makes calls to customers and prospective clients seeking sales or lead generation.
Contact centers: With this type contact with clients is not just via telephone, but also by live chat and email. Contact centers may also be responsible for handling all written correspondences for a company that is, letters and faxes.
Blended call centers: These types have features of all the others. Blended call centers may well be the future of call centers as many begin to offer all the services being demanded by customers.
Benefits of a Call Center
There are many benefits to using a call center. The main benefit is an increase profitability brought about by improving efficiency. There is more time for staff to perform their core functions instead of answering calls or processing applications. The fees for outsourcing to call centers is minimal compared to paying full time staff.
There are a wide variety of services that call centers offer: These include:
Phone answering service Troubleshooting/technical support services for products Messaging services Voice Mail ordering Outbound Telemarketing services
Some call centers such as InSO International Call Center offer a variety of call center services. These services take in some of those listed above but also include:
Backend transaction processing and office services: Here we go the extra mile while providing professional services in skip tracing, payroll processing, application processing and researching and analyzing data.
Outbound collections: At InSo we make calls to clients requesting payment on your behalf or acknowledging that payment has been received.
Customer care: InSO customer care is more than just responding to queries. We treat customers right so as to build loyalty – each customer is treated as a valued individual.
InSo also serves a wide cross section of businesses. In fact, we represent companies in the:
Financial services sector Travel and hospitality industry Health and Supplement industry Technology industry Telecom sector Insurance eCommerce and Retail
Unlike some call centers, InSO makes it possible for small and medium-sized companies to be able to afford their services. If you are still not sure what we can do for you and at what cost, ask for a free, no obligation quote. The benefits of leaving your call centers services to InSO includes improved efficiency and ultimately, an increase in profitability.
InSO International Call Center proves that all call centers are not the same. To learn more about our services and how we can help you succeed, visit us online at We make reaching us easy as you can also call us at 626-531-6080. Our email and chat support services shows that we want to make it easy for our clients to reach us. Take your business to the next level – let InSO Call Center take you there.
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Mark Tallis –
About the Author:
An Author of this article Mark Divid is working for Freelance Business Analysis. InSO Provides excellent Call Centers Services, Call Center Outsourcing Services, Inbound call center services, Outbound call center, offshore call centers service, Telemarketing Services and Transaction Processing Services.
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I need to know the basic wages for a waitress in wales
Who is centers for medicare & medicaid services ?
I would want to apply in a call center here in the philippines and I do not know what shall I include in my resume. I am just a high school graduate and I have no working experience yet
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inbound call centers, outbound call centers, contact centers, offshore call centers, outbound telemarketing services, phone answering services, voice mail ordering, outbound collections, customer care, international call centers, call center agents, call
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An Author of this article Mark Divid is working for Freelance Business Analysis. InSO Provides excellent Call Centers Services, Call Center Outsourcing Services, Inbound call center services, Outbound call center, offshore call centers service, Telemarketing Services and Transaction Processing Services.
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