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Combining Inbound and Outbound Call Functions in a Call Center Solution

Combining Inbound and Outbound Call Functions in a Call Center Solution

Promero is currently marketing one call center software package called the Oracle Contact Center Anywhere call center solution. Among its many features, the Oracle Contact Center Anywhere call center solution allows an agent to handle both inbound and outbound calls with just one integrated system that relies on a web-based browser interface. At the same time, this call center software uses the VoIP technology (also called the Voice over IP call center technology) which permits voice messages to be transmitted via the Internet portal being used (rather than the conventional telecom system.)

Using this call center solution being marketed by Promero, the contact center manager can record each and every one of the calls made or accepted by agents as part of the daily call center tasks. These calls to be recorded might be transmitted via live chat, email, voicemail, fax and telephone communication formats. VoIP technology is a high-end tool that can be used by all virtual call centers and off shore contact center facilities and which has garnered many awards.

The Oracle Contact Center Anywhere serves as a hosted call center solution, meaning you can assign Promero as your hosted call center solutions provider. Under this arrangement, Promero will not only help your call center with installation, but will also assist with regular maintenance, and technical support issues. The call center software is completely scalable, which means that whether the call center that will be using the Oracle Contact Center Anywhere call center solution is a tiny call center (with maybe just five call center agents) or a massive contact center (which employs up to 100 agents in one working day), this hosted call center software can accommodate all your call center tasking needs anyway.

At the same time, since the Oracle Contact Center Anywhere serves as a virtual contact center application which permits agents both in fixed call center locations and those operating in remote (virtual) call center conditions to gain access to their call center system in real time. This means your call center need not rent office space anymore, or invest in very pricey call center hardware when it is using the Oracle Contact Center Anywhere hosted call center solution. If your call center prefers to be mobile than fixed, you can always access your virtual call center system via the Internet – it is that easy. But if you prefer the services of a private network you may rely on the IPLC or the MPLS solutions too.

About Promero,

Founded in 2001, Promero is

a Certified Partner in the Oracle Partner Network and is a

leading application service provider of Internet-based call

center, CRM and lead management software. Promero’s

products include Oracle’s Contact Center Anywhere

[a hosted virtual call center/predictive dialer software],

ProStar CRM, Smart8 Call Routing and ProStarLead M

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