Archive for December, 2011
Interaction Web Portal

Manage security, monitor and record calls, run reports, and view statistics with the Interaction Web Portal on CIC 4.0! Learn More:
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Management Communication Services Launches Successful Sales Campaigns Using Cloud Based Contact Center Service from 3CLogic
Rockville, MD — March 1, 2011
3CLogic, provider of cloud based contact center service, announced today that MCS (Management Communication Services, Inc.), a top solution provider for large corporations and small to medium businesses across the U.S., has launched successful sales campaigns using 3CLogic contact center service, enhancing its sales growth.
Management Communication Services, Inc. is a reliable provider of management solution services to businesses and corporations all across the U.S. With over 14 years of professional services provided to companies nationwide, MCS delivers quality services at reduced cost.
MCS is experiencing increased sales from campaigns that are running on 3CLogic. With features such as Intelligent Dial Plan (IDP), MCS has increased the number of customer contacts per hour making their sales agents more productive. MCS benefits from 3CLogic?s on demand call center capabilities with predictive dialing and agent interactions to efficiently and easily connect with their customers. Using 3CLogic?s contact center software helps MCS enhance its marketing efforts and gain lasting relationships with customers. Secure customer interaction is easily ensured with 3CLogic?s secure and highly accessible platform running on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
?To ensure our clients have the best systems management solutions to achieve their business objectives, we partner with the best of breed companies to interact with our customers,? said Gene Beckman, president of Management Communication Services, Inc. ?3CLogic?s contact center service deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides us with customer interaction tools that are scalable, secure, and highly available. We are able to reach 53% more customers than before.?
Raj Sharma, president and CEO of 3Clogic said, ?The fact that MCS is leveraging 3CLogic?s cloud based contact center services to enhance customer interaction goes to show how businesses of all sizes can utilize cloud based contact center services. You just can?t ignore the economics of cloud based contact centers anymore. The business case for cloud based contact center services is just too compelling.?
3CLogic?s Inbound Call Center and Predictive Dialer features, combined with their cloud technologies helps companies of all sizes as well as across all industries increase service quality while reducing operating costs. 3CLogic connects businesses with their customers with high quality multi-channel services such as voice, e-mail and Texting all at a reasonable price.
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Find More Predictive Dialer Press Releases
No commentsFasülye’ye her ay?n sonunda Call Center!
Her yöne 1000 dakika konu?ma imkan? sunan Avea Süper Kamu Tarife. Fasülye’ye ise her ay sonu Call Center!
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In today’s rapidly changing business environment the reliance on automated processes, and IT systems that underpin them, has grown. Systems must not only be available around-the-clock, but must offer protection and security for both customers’ information and the company’s data. However, few companies have the resources or desire to handle every aspect of their e-business infrastructure in-house. Increasingly, companies are turning to PTCL for the resources and skills they need to achieve a reliable, responsive and resilient infrastructure to suit their needs. Data Center Sites: Karachi Lahore Services: Infrastructure Hosting (Caging, Co-Location) Application Hosting (To Host Customer applications on Unified PTCL Infrastructure) On Demand Services (DR Solution , Backup Solution, Storage on Demand, Processing on Demand, HA through PTCL infrastructure) Hosted Business Solution (Email & Collaboration , Unified Communications, Video Conferencing, SaaS (Software as a Service), CRMs, ERP) Features: 99.999 % Uptime Every component is TIA 942 compliant Quarterly Technical Audits Round the clock support Gigabit Ethernet on demand basis 3+ Tier Storage Architecture Please contact for any further query at
No commentsTE Connectivity Expands VPX Line With VITA 67 RF Modules
(PRWEB) November 07, 2011
New VITA 67 RF modules from TE Connectivity enhance the ability to add RF capabilities in VITA 46 VPX board-to-board connections. The modules, available with four or eight positions, accept SMPM coaxial contacts available for a wide range of flexible and semi-rigid cable on the daughtercard and preloaded board-mount SMPM contacts on the backplane. The modular design allows application-specific configurations with high contact counts in VPX systems. The RF modules are compatible with VITA 65 OpenVPX specification, which defines standard profiles for various configurations at the chassis, backplane, slot, and module levels.
Designed for high-reliability, high-density aerospace and defense applications, VITA 67 modules meet the vibration, environmental, and corrosion resistance requirements of VITA 47. The modules provide a convenient and standardized microwave interface to meet the needs of C4ISR applications such as ground base stations and communication systems, land and sea anti-ballistic signal processing, avionics and ground-based radar systems, and electronic countermeasures.
Contacts are on a 0.240-inch centerline to maintain high channel-to-channel isolation, while jacks are float-mounted to maintain a positive RF ground. The modules offer a contact float of 0.079 inch, radial misalignment of ?0.010 inch, and a contact antistubbing feature to allow reliable blindmating.
VITA 67 modules are part of the growing family of VPX modules from TE, including VITA 46 MULTIGIG RT2 connectors, VITA 62 power modules, and VITA 66 optical modules. The RF modules can also be used with other emerging high-speed connector systems such as the Fortis Zd system for next-generation VITA 72 applications.
For more information on TE’s VITA 67 RF modules, contact the Product Information Center at 1-800-522-6752. Follow us on Twitter for all the latest product news @TEConnectivity, and on Facebook, TEConnectivity.
Fortis Zd, MULTIGIG, TE Connectivity and the TE connectivity (logo) are trademarks of the TE Connectivity Ltd. family of companies.
About TE Connectivity
TE Connectivity is a global, $ 14 billion company that designs and manufactures approximately 500,000 products that connect and protect the flow of power and data inside the products that touch every aspect of our lives. Our nearly 100,000 employees partner with customers in virtually every industry?from consumer electronics, energy and healthcare, to automotive, aerospace and communication networks?enabling smarter, faster, better technologies to connect products to possibilities. More information on TE Connectivity can be found at
Tyco Electronics is now TE Connectivity.
Concierge Communications Earns inContact Presidents Club Award
Tempe, AZ — January 17, 2011
Concierge Communications, a Tempe-based communications and technology broker, today announced that it has received the 2010 Partner Presidents Club Award from inContact. Concierge has partnered with the call center software solution company since 2004 when it was known as UCN.
As a reward for meeting and exceeding revenue expectations, inContact sent its top producing partners, which included Concierge Communications, to San Diego, California. The guests received airfare, a four-night stay in the luxurious Hotel Del Coronado and the choice of a golf or spa event.
?Our partnership with inContact has been very rewarding,? said Perry Chrisler, President of Concierge Communications. ?We?ve had great experiences working with their team and we look forward to many more years of business with them.?
About Concierge Communications
Concierge is a no-cost, national consulting, business communications and technology solutions broker, representing over 40 different business communications providers. Concierge offers a single source for a variety of business technology needs. For more information, visit or call 888.353.9900.
Media Contact:
Elyssa Dull
Concierge Communications
Phone: 888.353.9900
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Muhammad (PBUH) The Greatest – Lecture in New York – Sheikh Ahmed Deedat This lecture was delivered at Al-Khoi Center in New York, USA, on December 1993Sheikh Ahmed Deedat: In 1986, the King Faisal Foundation awarded the King Faisal International Prize for SERVICE TO ISLAM, to a South African who is more or better known than many dignitaries in their own countries. This was the first time that this prestigious award has been awarded to a South African. The recipient of this award was a man totally dedicated to his faith and its propagation and who was not afraid to challenge any one to a debate to settle once and for all the matter, who has the good news right? He was none other than Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, reverently known and called UNCLE by those who hold him in high esteem and admiration. The award came after a lifetime of struggle to propagate Islam and to defend Islam against the onslaught of the missionaries. Finally, he was given recognition by the international Muslim community that he deserved and focused more sharply the attention of the Muslim world on the most important aspect of his work, the challenge to propagate Islam. This was his life long ambition to focus the Muslim world’s attention and resources on the propagation of Islam, and at last he succeeded. What a moment of jubilation, achievement and personal gratification for Sheikh Deedat the award was, a turning point in his life. Sheikh Deedat did not have much formal schooling, but he was self-taught …
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