Archive for November, 2010
Voice Broadcasting: a Powerful Tool, But Dangerous in the Hands of Fools
Voice Broadcasting: a Powerful Tool, But Dangerous in the Hands of Fools
Voice Broadcasting: a Powerful Tool, But Dangerous in the Hands of Fools
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Home Page > Technology > VoIP > Voice Broadcasting: a Powerful Tool, But Dangerous in the Hands of Fools
Voice Broadcasting: a Powerful Tool, But Dangerous in the Hands of Fools
Posted: Aug 06, 2007 |Comments: 1
| Views: 785
Voice Broadcasting: a Powerful Tool, But Dangerous in the Hands of Fools
About the Author
Freedom TeleWork
(ArticlesBase SC #194194)
Article Source: – Voice Broadcasting: a Powerful Tool, But Dangerous in the Hands of Fools
Voice Broadcasting can be such a great technology for so many applications. It has been a popular and growing tool now for many years and for good reason. Imagine being able to deliver a message to large numbers of people without having to pay the cost of tele agents, and having the ability of sending one message to a live pick up vs. a different message to an answering machine. Add to this the marrying of interactive voice technology where a recipient is able to press a number key and be transferred to a live agent, or place an order for a product or service. It is the ultimate technology in terms of cost efficiencies and flexibility for marketers, political consultants, municipalities, collection organizations, and many other entities.
But powerful tools in the hands of fools create a great deal of danger. See Bob Tuttle and Mark Edwards for details. Their firm “The Broadcast Team” (aka TBT) was recently fined ,000,000 by the FTC and the Department of Justice for violations Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) in the course of using “voice broadcasting” to call millions of U.S. consumers using automated dialers and prerecorded messages.
The Federal Trade Commission today announced that Tuttle and Edwards firm was charged with making tens of millions of illegal automated telemarketing calls and they have agreed to pay a million civil penalty under a settlement reached with the agency and the U.S. Department of Justice. They had violated the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) in the course of using “voice broadcasting” to call millions of U.S. consumers using automated dialers and prerecorded messages.
A federal district court action brought by DOJ on behalf of the Commission alleges that the Florida-based telemarketer’s automated phone dialing service called and then illegally hung up on more than 64 million people – and called more than a million numbers that were listed on the National Do Not Call (DNC) Registry. Lloyd Gomberg, Senior Vice President of Freedom telework Inc. said “The law is very clear- Even when Voice broadcasting is legally permissible the calling list still must be scrubbed against the FTC and various States Do Not Call Lists.”
Gomberg further noted that Freedom Telework Voice broadcast customers are also advised that it is unlawful to send audio messages to any emergency phone lines. For example, 911 numbers, hospital medical service lines, physicians, health care facilities, poison control centers, fire or law enforcement agencies. Another basic rule according to Gomberg: Do not send unsolicited audio messages to those who will incur charges. For example: beepers, pagers or cell phones unless you have permission.
Gomberg pointed out that when Voice broadcasting is used in a live application where the intent is to play the voice recording only to answering machines and have agents talk with consumers when they pick up, the rules on “Abandonment” are still in place. The TSR limits telemarketers’ use of recorded messages by requiring that calls answered by a person be connected to a live representative within two seconds. This restriction on “abandoning calls” by hanging up or playing a recording when someone answers applies to telemarketing calls to solicit sales of goods or services, and to calls from for-profit telemarketers soliciting charitable contributions
According to Gomberg, the 11 basic rules of Voice broadcasting are:
1. Consumer must give prior consent, or
2. Existing Business relationship, or
3. Tax exempt organizations
4. Do Not Call List regulations apply when Voice broadcast is permissible
5. Customer may request addition to your company Do Not Call List
6. Existing Business relationship expires 18 months after a purchase or 90 days after an inquiry or application
7. Allowable to use this application for: Collections, Mortgage Refinance with an EBR
8. Allowable for Non Profits and telemarketing companies working on behalf of non profits, and Charities seeking donations
9. Allowable for Political campaigns, Initiatives
10. Some States have outlawed Voice dialers: Freedom Telework cannot advise on these matters, it is up to clients to check with legal counsel.
11. Informational broadcasts and free offers are prohibited unless the organization is otherwise allowed to broadcast
In the broadcast team case, The FTC’s Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) was violated in the course of using “voice broadcasting” to call millions of U.S. consumers using automated dialers and prerecorded messages. Many of the numbers TBT called were on the DNC Registry, making the calls themselves unlawful. The FTC also charged that TBT failed to pay for access to the DNC Registry’s numbers in numerous instances. TBT had argued that the TSR did not apply to its delivery of prerecorded messages and should not apply to its plans to use prerecorded messages to solicit funds on behalf of a charity. But in a related case pending in the same court, U.S. District Court Judge Anne Conway rejected TBT’s legal arguments last April. The court ruled that TBT is a required to comply with the TSR, and that exempting TBT from the TSR’s requirements would frustrate the FTC “in achieving its goal of protecting the residential privacy of consumers.”
Gomberg said “ This technology is powerful and incisive- just make sure that you consult an attorney and know that you are on firm legal ground before proceeding with a campaign.”
Jennifer Gross works at Freedom Telework, the Virtual Call Center that offers hosted call center solutions such as predictive dialing, voice broadcasting, chat, inbound call center, outbound calling, IVR, skill based routing, and so much more.
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(ArticlesBase SC #194194)
Jennifer Hanna Gross –
About the Author:
Freedom TeleWork
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call center, virtual call center, call center philippines, call center solutions, hosted call center, predictive dialer, voice broadcasting
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Voice Broadcasting: a Powerful Tool, But Dangerous in the Hands of Fools
Voice Broadcasting can be such a great technology for so many applications.
Jennifer Hanna Grossl
Aug 06, 2007
lViews: 785
lComments: 1
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1. RonBinkly 01/11/2009
Voice broadcasting has become very restricted but you can still send pre-recorded messages to companies and consumers by using a “voicemail courier”, a service provided by company called voicelogic.
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Freedom TeleWork
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No commentsIRS Call Center Agents with Disabilities Deliver Quality Work, Find Quality of Life
IRS Call Center Agents with Disabilities Deliver Quality Work, Find Quality of Life
Boston, MA — November 2, 2010
Individual agents working from home in “virtual” call centers once again prove they can compete effectively and economically with agents located in traditional corporate contact centers. Agents answering calls to the IRS Forms and Publications Toll-Free Hotline just turned in a second consecutive error-free month. This despite the fact that all of its geographically dispersed agents work remotely due to disabilities that prevent them from working outside their homes. They were also recruited, trained, and now answer calls without ever having met anyone at their employer, NTI, a nonprofit organization that finds jobs for Americans with disabilities in contact centers.
After awarding NTI an initial five-year contract to employ Americans with disabilities preventing them from taking jobs outside the home, the IRS renewed NTI’s contract in 2009. The agents, all of whom undergo screening and training from their homes before being certified to take live calls, are working NTI’s seventh tax season. They’re also preparing for the inevitable surge of calls in January 2011, and are intent on maintaining their 100% quality score. M.J. Willard, NTI’s Executive Director, enthusiastically points out the win-win outcome. “Americans answering calls in a variety of distinctly American accents help other Americans obtain the tax information they need. And without a mistake for the last two months. As NTI likes to say, ‘We manage Quality.’”
Despite the pressure to maintain their quality record while confronting the daily challenges imposed by a wide range of disabilities, NTI’s agents enjoy their jobs, and the work/life balance having a legitimate work-from-home income allows. Many find their NTI jobs through the vocational rehabilitation agencies in their states, after years of deleting suspect work-from-home spam offers arriving in email.
Americans with disabilities like Dan Stogsdill, a remote agent with five years of experience on the IRS hotline, explain: “If you want to work for an honest day’s pay, without welfare, go for it. It’s the best thing I’ve ever found. I spent years and years looking for work. When I received my first paycheck with taxes withheld I knew I had a legit job. I value my job greatly.”
For over 15 years, NTI has placed Americans with disabilities in contact center jobs for both Federal Agency and commercial clients as an employer and a contract staffing agency. It expects to employ more than 1000 agents by January 2011, providing all of them with the opportunity to enjoy a similar positive work/life balance as NTI employees in 2011.
About NTI:
NTI, a 501(c)(3) non-profit disability organization, pioneered staffing virtual call centers with Americans with disabilities who work from home. It provides highly qualified “NTI Certified TM” American-speaking agents to both commercial and government organizations, such as the IRS. For more information, visit http://www.NTIcentral.Org.
Alan W. Hubbard, COO
National Telecommuting Institute, Inc.
Tel: 800-619-0111 X-307
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Call Center Software Solutions- Learn About The Classifications
Call Center Software Solutions- Learn About The Classifications
Call Center Software Solutions- Learn About The Classifications
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Home Page > Business > Customer Service > Call Center Software Solutions- Learn About The Classifications
Call Center Software Solutions- Learn About The Classifications
Posted: Mar 29, 2010 |Comments: 0
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Call Center Software Solutions- Learn About The Classifications
By: jems hug
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To know more about BPO services and call center services you can log on to our website where you will get a wide array of necessary information on business process outsourcing and call centre services.
(ArticlesBase SC #2065697)
Article Source: – Call Center Software Solutions- Learn About The Classifications
Software solutions as offered by the call center set-up of the current date help to cut down the total investment made on both time and money. Most call centers happen to offer effective solution in order to ensure competitive advantage over their competitors.
Nowadays, a call center can differ in providing diverse solutions for the clients. Depending on a client’s situation, each technique is adopted to bring about the desirable results. The software solutions as offered by a customer service center are broadly classified into solicitation, directory service, proficient support, market place research, tele-commerce and lastly support for the clientele.
Clientele support:
Support for clients form to be one win to win situation. This is where both the call center units and the customers are found to enjoy a range of benefits. If the customer service center offers good solution then the clients will be able to maintain its contact with the clients and the organization. There are three factors that will be facilitating good relationship with clients. These include improved service quality, abundant resource allocation and constant client interaction.
Proficient support:
The proficient support serves to be an important part of help desk backing. This is what is widely needed in those industries, which are especially based on the technologies. Some of these areas include telecommunication industry, electronics industry and lastly automobile industry.
The technical support solutions are found to address some of the most important issues. These issues include data organization, attending customers as quickly as possible, optimizing mechanisms in the call routing, effectual running of personal development and handling of data effectively.
The need of an efficient dialing technology will always remain with the growing number of calls to be handled. By means of an advanced dialing technology, a business can ensure that there will no longer be any loss of business lead. Additionally, the call rates will also be optimized.
The benefit of additional features with advanced software solution like that of call tracing, voice recording, customer related management and reporting techniques, also add to the advantage of any organization. Solutions in this particular field include process refinement, improvement in the service quality and having the representatives supplied with the rich information.
Directory Service
The main idea of organizing directory services is that customers will be supplied with the most robust structure, which facilitates them to retrieve the other services and solutions in an efficacious and convenient fashion.
The directory services will offer help in tracing out the information and also to maximize call rates by attracting more number of customers.
The core of all companies is defrayment and debt collections. Be it in electronics industry or in automobile industry, there will be definitely one financial unit that performs solicitation. The whole solution strategies will be including procedures refinement, steps to make the most of the solicitations, handling of personnel effectively. Such call center strategies must stick on to the company’s abidance and policy to all the responsibilities.
The call center software solutions are designed in such a way that they are found to be free from any kind of complexity and can be used by all the clients. In addition, it stands mandatory that all the software solutions should be pliable, maintainable and scalable.
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jems hug –
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To know more about BPO services and call center services you can log on to our website where you will get a wide array of necessary information on business process outsourcing and call centre services.
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call center, bpo, customer care, call centre, customer services, contact center, call center services, call center bpo, call centers, process outsourcing, business process outsourcing, inbound call center
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More and more and day by day, the want of having the answering service agencies has been increasing. Numerous firms are also very happy with the collaboration with such agencies because they grasp for convinced that his or her customers can get the answering service info any time they decision, even if it is very day or night. They will be in a position to be informed about anything they are also interested in, or will be in a position to be suggested on how they will be ready to get during touch with the individual they want to speak with.
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Offshore Outbound Call Center Services: India’s Specialty
Offshore Outbound Call Center Services: India’s Specialty
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Offshore Outbound Call Center Services: India’s Specialty
Posted: May 13, 2010 |Comments: 1
Offshore Outbound Call Center Services: India’s Specialty
By: Allen Jude
About the Author
Allen Jude Working as implementation manager with call centers india from seven years now, Allen Jude works to integrate state of the art technology of the organization to the offshore outbound call center services provided by it. He is passionate about making callcentresindia a top notch performance and results oriented International Call Centers in India.
(ArticlesBase SC #2362203)
Article Source: – Offshore Outbound Call Center Services: India’s Specialty
The offshore outbound call center services have taken the business world with storm. Completely different from the traditional and stereotype management administration, outbound call centers provide you practical, feasible and affordable market solutions implemented by well trained experts with an onshore quality and within the decided time frame and budget.
The services of India based international call centers are up the ante and capable to provide momentum to business. The outsourcing service industry has witnessed a sharp bent of liking from all spheres of industry. The tech savvy, English proficient generation, twelve hours hiatus between oriental and western countries, liberal policies of government such as set up software technology parks, plug in facilitations, 100 percent foreign ownership permission have favored the outsourcing service providers of India. The labor, technology, infrastructure and technology add bonus to the advantage of Indian BPO. Indian call centers are state of the art in terms of technology and infrastructure as well.
Providing outbound call center services across various business verticals, international call centers in India are renowned for their qualitative, innovative and creative value added solutions. The support and services of outbound call center help you to cut costs and increase return on investments. The services of outbound call centers encompass a wide range such as:
* Market Intelligence Survey
* Lead Generation
* Database Selling
* Scheduling of Appointments
* Direct Mail Follow Up
* Debt Collection Services
* Product Promotions before, during or after product launch
* Customer Satisfaction Research Surveys
*Up selling and Cross Selling Campaigns
* Business to Business and Business to Consumer Telemarketing
* Web based and non voice outbound E-mail and Chat Support Services
Hiring call centers for your outbound services can provide a thrust to your business by increased productivity and enhanced efficiency. The success graph of your product increases because you do not spend time to administer in –house teams or in looking over a team completing backlog. The time you save is spending on creating new business theories, meeting new prospects and stimulating a product launch. You cut costs on the surplus expenses without affecting the output adversely.
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Allen Jude –
About the Author:
Allen Jude Working as implementation manager with call centers india from seven years now, Allen Jude works to integrate state of the art technology of the organization to the offshore outbound call center services provided by it. He is passionate about making callcentresindia a top notch performance and results oriented International Call Centers in India.
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market intelligence, database selling, direct mail follow up, lead generation, qualification management, seminar population, product promotion, debt collection, info literature fulfillment, appointment scheduling, decision maker contacts, up sell cr
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Nov 24, 2010
Microfilm Scanning — Today’s Technology Helps Save Your Most Treasured Records
Along with all the other advances in technology today, microfilm scanning is another option to consider. It offers many useful purposes and is an invaluable tool for researchers, since most of the information contained in microfilm is archived information. The process provides impressively quick retrieval of this information. Long gone are the days when the desired information could only be viewed and extracted utilizing only one method!
Nov 24, 2010
Call Center Services of CCO: Pairing Quality. Technology. Manpower for Assured Results
Call Centers Services have proved to be life saver for many organizations. Companies of various sizes and different types are outsourcing call center needs to provide in-depth customer service support 24×7 along with technical support. Backed up by technological innovation, end to end CISCO set up and customized solutions, Call Center Operations is renowned to offer superior level of services.
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Nov 24, 2010
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3D animation services helps you in creating extremely realistic 3D architectural animation of any construction and it gives a completely authentic idea of the finished product or building to the client.
Bobby V Smithl
Nov 24, 2010
White papers marketing tool works wonders if used correctly
The importance of white papers marketing tools has been observed and taken into consideration. Its significance is observed to be crucial at the early stages of the buying cycle.
Nov 24, 2010
Obama not completely against Outsourcing to India
Call center services are of great help in providing reliable customer service. Customer services help in generating revenue by building customer loyalty. As it is very expensive to set up own call centers, many companies prefer call center outsourcing. Outsourcing call center services help in concentrating on core business operation.
Rick Jhonl
Nov 24, 2010
Wrong Assumptions Surrounding the Realm of Online Businesses
Along with the popularity of online businesses also comes the existence of various myths and inaccurate assumptions about it. Some of these assumptions are already affecting the overall success on an online business venture.
Nov 24, 2010
Setting up a few important systems is necessary before you start your marketing or business consultancy service. The main systems that need to be set up include consulting reports, proposals and a solid invoicing system.
Nov 24, 2010
Offshore Outbound Call Center Services: India’s Specialty
The outsourcing service industry has witnessed a sharp bent of liking from all spheres of industry. The tech savvy, English proficient generation, twelve hours hiatus between oriental and western countries, liberal policies of government such as set up software technology parks, plug in facilitations, 100 percent foreign ownership permission have favored the outsourcing service providers of India. The labor, technology, infrastructure and technology.
Allen Judel
May 13, 2010
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1. mike 23/06/2010
wow, great, another way for americans to lose MORE JOBS while people outside the U.S continue to profit
why is this never addressed?
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Allen Jude Working as implementation manager with call centers india from seven years now, Allen Jude works to integrate state of the art technology of the organization to the offshore outbound call center services provided by it. He is passionate about making callcentresindia a top notch performance and results oriented International Call Centers in India.
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Free Twitter Widgets Download @ Join the widget revolution now before is too late… Outsourcing – WHOA, I am not going to outsource. I don’t want my customer dissatisfied about our services. If this is what you think when you hear the word outsourcing, please go ahead and read the rest of the article.I am sure, this article will change the way you think about the word Outsourcing. Not only will it change the way you think, but it will also lead you to a new path of success. A path of success that many corporate giants have already discovered and they are enjoying the benefits now. Now you must be wondering I have always heard my customers complain about outsourcing. Even when I call some companies, the support I get, makes me highly dissatisfied, then how can I outsource my services yet make my customers happy. Well, I would say it is possible, if done correctly. It is not that your customers hate outsourcing; they hate outsourcing when they suffer because of it. What does that mean? The customer would love outsourcing, if it is a pleasant experience for them. Now, you must be thinking, how to outsource, yet make your customers love it. By the end of this article, you will get to know how to outsource your business needs, without upsetting your customer. Before we get started, let us cover some basics of Outsourcing. Business Process Outsourcing is the delegation of one or more business processes which are not the core process of the outsourcing company …
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CosmoCom Contact Center Technology Provides Innovative Services to Municipalities
CosmoCom Contact Center Technology Provides Innovative Services to Municipalities
Melville, NY — October 18, 2010
CosmoCom, the global leader in Contact Center Consolidation 2.0, announced that Milgam City Services in Israel has implemented the CosmoCall Universe (CCU) all-in-one contact center suite to support their outsourced and insourced services to utilities and municipalities throughout Israel.
For nearly 30 years Milgam has been providing an array of outsourced collections and related services to local municipalities and water authorities in Israel via distributed operations throughout the country. A growing list of more than 150 clients with increasingly complex customer demands prompted Milgam to search for a new contact center platform. After thoroughly testing a number of solutions, Milgam found CosmoCom’s virtual call center platform to be the most flexible, easy-to-use and capable of meeting their complex demands.
The unified, all-in-one nature of CCU, enables Milgam to use the inherent recording and other advanced functionality instead of purchasing separate, disparate components. Plus, the virtual contact center technology fits well with their distributed organization and their future plans for remote agent insourcing and home workers.
“We are very satisfied with our decision to have CosmoCom as our contact center technology supplier,” said Daniela Koblentz, National Enterprise Manager at Milgam, “With CosmoCom we were able to rapidly deploy a complicated call center, serving over 20 municipalities and water corporations. The familiar Windows environment enables me – as a non technical person – to easily script call flows, create real-time reports and make changes as needed.”
The initial 20 municipalities are only the beginning; Milgam’s goal is to have more than 50 rolled-out by the end of the year. One innovative example is the PaNGo National Cellular Parking Services which enables citizens to park simply by using their cell phones. The supporting call center uses a sophisticated IVR that provides a customized greeting to each caller – as if they were calling their own municipality – and then routes the call to the most appropriate agent – complete with a screen-pop.
“Milgam is a true success story of a company that was not technically oriented, but with very complex demands. They were able to implement a wonderful service for their customers in a very short period of time,” explains Moshe Harari, Regional Director of CosmoCom. “Most important to Milgam is that they can manage their own system and implement new customers and services independently.”
About CosmoCom
CosmoCom™ provides a unified, all-IP contact center suite that enables businesses to quickly, easily and economically fulfill the most complex customer interaction management requirements of today – and tomorrow. CosmoCom’s Consolidation 2.0 strategy unites all customer contact functions, locations, and personnel – including outsourcers and home agents – on a single unified customer communications platform that is Virtual by Design™. Organizations can obtain the full benefits of Consolidation 2.0 by deploying CosmoCom’s unified contact center technology in-house, or via a service provider offering hosted contact center services. CosmoCom customers include Fortune-class enterprises around the globe, including many of the world’s largest service providers. With its reputation for servicing sophisticated, mission-critical applications, CosmoCom is the most selected provider of cloud-based contact center platforms to top-tier telcos worldwide. For more information, please visit
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Offshore Call Centers and Outsource Call Center Service
Offshore Call Centers and Outsource Call Center Service
Offshore Call Centers and Outsource Call Center Service
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Offshore Call Centers and Outsource Call Center Service
Posted: Oct 09, 2010 |Comments: 0
Offshore Call Centers and Outsource Call Center Service
By: Swathi Tech
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For more information about Offshore call centers and Outsource call center service please visit our corporate website
(ArticlesBase SC #3434960)
Article Source: – Offshore Call Centers and Outsource Call Center Service
Offshore call centers provide pioneering, value added solutions to increase efficiency and boost the graph of your company in the market. Outsourcing call center services helps you to cut on board costs and able to save more time for more important business tasks rather than documentation or backlog.
Offshore call center services are very much in demand. Offshore call centers are totally different from the archetypal management administration, offshore call centers provide you excellent, sensible and realistic possessing offshore work with onshore quality within the decided turnaround time and across various business divisions.
Offshore call centers provide services like Telemarketing, Database Selling, Up Sell/Cross Sell Campaigns, Direct Mail Follow-up, Lead Generation, Product Promotion, Appointment Scheduling and Customers Surveys. You can also choose to web based and non voice outbound services.
Today many outsource call center service since offshore call centers’ research procedures, multi-channel approach, operational efficiencies and capacity to handle large volumes of work enable their clients to save on manpower, infrastructure and operational costs.
India Call centers has managed to come forward as global offshore outsourcing hub by providing market driven solutions and services to both national and international customers. Many international customers who once have an experience of outsourcing call center service; they would either outsource again or refer the India call center or the outsourcing company. With Indian call center you can be assured of consistent and excellent quality work with lesser turnaround time and cost. From large fortune to Digital 500 organizations are outsourcing and taking help of call centers services. So why wait? Outsource call center service to your best offshore call center.
Out of many countries which have been famous for offshore call centers, India call center is the most favourite outsourcing spot. This is because India being the most powerful IT hub and to the largest English speaking population after America. The generation is aware of the offshore call center market and a large number of skilled people join call centers. Many are in need of offshore call centers to outsource call center service. India has huge resources of tech savvies that are proficient in communication skills as well. Outsourcing call center services to call centers in India would be ideal for anybody situated across any part of the globe since offshore call centers in India work round the clock. Skilled resources are willing to work in shifts and they enjoy it. Are you willing to outsourcing call center services? Outsource it to India call center!
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Swathi Tech –
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For more information about Offshore call centers and Outsource call center service please visit our corporate website
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offshore call centers, outsource call center service, india call center
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Ella Greensl
Apr 14, 2010
Microfilm Scanning — Today’s Technology Helps Save Your Most Treasured Records
Along with all the other advances in technology today, microfilm scanning is another option to consider. It offers many useful purposes and is an invaluable tool for researchers, since most of the information contained in microfilm is archived information. The process provides impressively quick retrieval of this information. Long gone are the days when the desired information could only be viewed and extracted utilizing only one method!
Nov 24, 2010
Call Center Services of CCO: Pairing Quality. Technology. Manpower for Assured Results
Call Centers Services have proved to be life saver for many organizations. Companies of various sizes and different types are outsourcing call center needs to provide in-depth customer service support 24×7 along with technical support. Backed up by technological innovation, end to end CISCO set up and customized solutions, Call Center Operations is renowned to offer superior level of services.
Ella Greensl
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Obama not completely against Outsourcing to India
Call center services are of great help in providing reliable customer service. Customer services help in generating revenue by building customer loyalty. As it is very expensive to set up own call centers, many companies prefer call center outsourcing. Outsourcing call center services help in concentrating on core business operation.
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Call Center Software – Does My Business Need It?
Call Center Software – Does My Business Need It?
Call Center Software – Does My Business Need It?
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Call Center Software – Does My Business Need It?
Posted: Sep 05, 2007 |Comments: 0
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Call Center Software – Does My Business Need It?
By: Steve Norris
About the Author
Steve Norris is a Texas based Energy Efficient Electrical Contractor and Telecommunications Broker for over 80 carriers nationwide. He specializes in hardware solution for multi-location business with advanced infrastructure needs. Over 90% of his clients are able to implement a new Fort Worth Business Phone System without increasing their budget with TeleTAP.
(ArticlesBase SC #209331)
Article Source: – Call Center Software – Does My Business Need It?
Ten years ago most businesses would not have considered owning call center software for their business telephone system unless they had a true call center environment. The cost was absolutely prohibitive for any other application, but with recent technology advancements it’s now time to ask, “Should I be using call center software for my company?” The financial case for doing so is overwhelming in several new market niches.
The definition and the perception of what a call center now is has dramatically changed in the last ten years. It is no longer just the large outbound telemarketing rooms or the huge inbound customer service centers that qualify. Many small call centers are essential profit centers for their companies, and many others are classified as “non income producing” overhead that are absolutely vital to their smooth operation and business model.
But how do I know if am running at peak efficiency? How do I know if I am understaffed or overstaffed? How do I know who is producing and who isn’t? Are my customers as happy as they should be? Do I really need a full time person to manage a small operation? Not knowing the answers to those questions could cost a company dearly.
When you take a closer look at what call center software reporting and management tools can cost effectively bring to an organization, a whole new set of questions come to mind.
How long do my customers REALLY wait on hold? Are my reps picking up in a timely fashion?
What are the most calls in cue that I get at one time?
How many or what % of abandoned calls do I have?
Do I lose calls due to excessive hold times?
What is the average length of call?
How long does it take to “wrap up a call?”
Who has the longest average call length? My best agent or worst? Why?
How do I know if I am properly staffed?
How do I know if my call center has trouble?
How do I solve it?
These are questions only large call centers with proper management tools could have answered in the past. With new cost effective technology, more and more businesses are looking to software solutions to streamline their operations and answer the essential questions that can differentiate them from their competition.
The person that is answering the phone or placing the call for a company costs much more than the actual call itself, so it is imperative to understand how one’s resources are being allocated. Being overstaffed one person could pay for software many times over in a single year. Being understaffed could be costing a company a tremendous amount of business and repeat business because of frustration and substandard service levels.
If the axiom holds true that “I can’t manage what I can’t measure,” being able to measure the business KPI (Key Performance Indicators) is essential. Here are some additional questions businesses use to consider if Call Center Software would be a benefit to their operation:
If I could recruit talent elsewhere in the country without the additional office space or overhead, yet maintain the same management tools and quality of service, would it be beneficial?
Is there an associated cost per customer? (Knowing this will help justify my ROI)
Do my clients know about additional services and products I am offering? Would a message playing while they are in cue be appropriate to create awareness and upsell?
Are there highly profitable new products I want my clients to know about?
Is measuring outbound sales call volume important?
What happens if I lose my best agent because they are frustrated with my infrastructure or processes?
How much does it cost me to train a new representative?
How will that affect my operation?
How much does it cost me to lose a client?
How much does it cost me if I lose my biggest client?
What is my actual call volume?
How good of a job does the person answering the phone do? Can I record their calls for verification and training purposes?
Are per minute toll free number charges attached to inbound calls? If I can reduce my average length of call and hold time 20% per call, would that assist customer satisfaction and cost control?
Are my representatives able to visually see, as well as management, exactly how they are performing in comparison to their peers via an electronic wallboard? Would that be beneficial?
What, if anything, do my customers complain about? Is it possible that other customers have the same complaint? How do I solve it?
If you have ever asked any of those questions or really need to know the answers to them, a telecom software solution may be right for your company. As a guide, always ask if the cost of not knowing the answers to those questions outweighs the cost of the software solution itself. As always, it is recommended you consult with your telecommunications professional to assist you in your search, as there are many options.
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(ArticlesBase SC #209331)
Steve Norris –
About the Author:
Steve Norris is a Texas based Energy Efficient Electrical Contractor and Telecommunications Broker for over 80 carriers nationwide. He specializes in hardware solution for multi-location business with advanced infrastructure needs. Over 90% of his clients are able to implement a new Fort Worth Business Phone System without increasing their budget with TeleTAP.
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telephone systems, telecom broker, t1, pri, telecom, business phone service, business phones, toll free
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Steve Norrisl
Sep 05, 2007
Business Telephones – What are My Lease Options?
For numerous companies, paying cash for a large purchase such as a new business telephone system is simply not in the budget. In the absence of that option, companies turn to equipment leasing to provide the technology their company needs.
Steve Norrisl
Sep 06, 2007
Foreign Exchange Numbers – Appearing Local for Increased Profits
Many businesses want and need to expand their services into additional markets to increase revenues, but they are not sure of the best way to accomplish it. Do they add another brick and mortar location and the associated overhead and headaches that come with it?
Steve Norrisl
Sep 05, 2007
lViews: 107
Ip Softphone Scraping Increases Call Efficiency
As remote IP Soft Phones become more common and more popular, one feature stands out as a user favorite. Scraping.
Steve Norrisl
Sep 05, 2007
I have people coming to me twice, the only red fate / I’ve seen that you have sent its ugly head again yellow light! – And when it happens – do you do?
Quinn Alenderl
Nov 24, 2010
Tansee Iphone Transfer Sms Torrent
Is, SMS is, iPhone is, iPhone in front of the computer continues to receive the SMS rejected.
Quinn Alenderl
Nov 24, 2010
Panasonic TX-L32G10B Review: 32 Inch High Definition Freesat LCD Television
The LCD TV has a box shape and polished black bezel finish. There’s a biconvex strip that separates the bottom panel border as well as the logo. This design is really significantly comparable to other LCD TVs recently released by Panasonic. A pre-attached stand is also obtainable, with an oval base. This doesn’t enable the TV to swivel nonetheless.
Nov 24, 2010
LCD Wall Mount – Secure Your LCD TV in Place and Take pleasure in Surfing Channels
It’s the device that holds the LCD on the wall. Usually, it comes in a kit, the kit commonly contains wall brackets as well as the hardware needed to mount the TV to the wall brackets. Normally, it’s constructed out of tempered steel and isn’t bendable.
Nov 24, 2010
Company Info About Squarespace Squarespace is de?ned by their insistence on software that offers an unparalleled person encounter from a robust core. Each and every pixel of Squarespace’s software program is engineered and animated to become ?awless. Squarespace was conceived to become – and will remain – a departure from the sea of free products and “me too” services that pollute today’s web marketplace. He was formerly co-founder and VP of Engineering of user-generated …
Timothy Pansomel
Nov 24, 2010
With digital broadcasting we have moved television closer to computers and world wide web. Computers can quickly display video and audio clips or streams. This means that the border between computers and television is really soft. Perhaps the most effective definition of the distinction between personal computer monitor and TV is that monitor is primarily intended to display personal computer picture although TV set is created to obtain and display TV picture (and sound).
Nov 24, 2010
Westinghouse LD-3255AR 32-Inch 720p
A hi-end viewing encounter could be achieved with the support of the brilliant color as well as the clear details that the set portrays. The thin and light weight features make it ideal for hanging purposes too. The multiple inputs of this set makes it simpler for you to connect it to cable services, media players, game consoles, along with a camera or even a PC.
Nov 24, 2010
LG 47LE5400 47-Inch 1080p 120Hz LED LCD HDTV Review
LG is at the forefront when it comes to developing the newest innovations. Its rivals are way behind it. The competition stands a quite slim chance.It has a fair share in the marketplace along with a really strong influence when it comes to digital products. LG has a really huge following. Customers trust and patronize this brand.
Nov 24, 2010
The Quality of Your VOIP Solution Lies With the Weakest Link
The most reliable of all VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) solutions will always perform in accordance with the quality of the data connection involved. In determining just how well your proposed VOIP solution will work for you, look no further than your weakest data connection.
Steve Norrisl
Mar 03, 2008
The Major Issue With Hosted Sip Trunking and How to Choose a Provider
SIP, otherwise known as Session Initiation Protocol, offers the burgeoning voice over IP telephony market some tremendous voice features and enhancements, but the service is not yet widely available at commercially acceptable levels.
Steve Norrisl
Feb 18, 2008
Monavie Shoots Self in Foot With Inability to Control Distributors
Every so often, a great concept with a great product comes along, and it takes the market by storm. MonaVie, a provider of an all natural fruit drink consisting of the acai berry and 18 additional exotic fruits, has grown faster than nearly any other MLM is US history, but its integrity is being undone by its own distributors.
Steve Norrisl
Feb 11, 2008
lViews: 311
lComments: 1
Two Essential Skills you Must Possess for Sales Success
Every sales professional who is serious about their career constantly seeks out new and diverse training materials to increase their abilities. Out of all of the suggestions made in professionally produced sales training material to assist with self improvement, increasing of sales, getting a higher closing percentage, or presentation of solutions, two skills far and away stand out among the rest.
Steve Norrisl
Jan 24, 2008
First Impressions – the Real Impact of your Business Phone System
Every day there are fantastic new opportunities to make first impressions with new potential clients. Each new client who calls you may represent new business and revenue opportunities to impact your company for years to come. An important question to ask is “What does my phone system say about my company?”
Steve Norrisl
Nov 26, 2007
Managing your Time in Professional Sales-3 Tips for Effectiveness
Across all industries, one of the major issues professional salespeople struggle with is proper time management. All too often, at the end of the day the professional salesperson can look back and feel as if they accomplished nothing of value. We evaluate three key tips to improving time efficiency and your mastery of time management.
Steve Norrisl
Nov 19, 2007
Water-bucket or Pipeline Builder? What Type of Salesperson are You?
If you are in outside sales in what is known as a “hunter” position, you are either a water bucket carrying salesperson, or you are a pipeline building salesperson. Find out why you need to identify which one you are, and which one you want to be!
Steve Norrisl
Nov 12, 2007
Cold Calling: Just Swallow the Frog Already! Part 2
So you are holding that ugly green frog in your hand, the one we call Cold Calling, and your boss says to eat it? How can one eat a green frog and even pretend to like it? Here are some tips on how to not only be successful in cold calling, but to also enjoy the process.
Steve Norrisl
Nov 05, 2007
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Steve Norris is a Texas based Energy Efficient Electrical Contractor and Telecommunications Broker for over 80 carriers nationwide. He specializes in hardware solution for multi-location business with advanced infrastructure needs. Over 90% of his clients are able to implement a new Fort Worth Business Phone System without increasing their budget with TeleTAP.